Lecture 4 Lecture notes and files
Here I will try to post the most important ideas from each lecture. Not
all ideas will be posted here. I'll also try to include useful sample
files and examples.
Week 1 1/22-1/25
Your lecturer is named Tim, and he wants you to enjoy this course,
learn a lot, and have fun in lecture.
This can be a very hard class. You need to know the rules and be
familiar with the website.
Programs are strings simple commands that are put together to make neat
thing happen
Some commands can do many things depending on the input, or parameters, they
I wasn't kidding about pop quizzes--they will come very frequently.
I take your suggestions on how to run this course seriously.
Complicated programs are made of many interacting parts called objects.
Each object has it's own list of abilities, which are called methods.
Various methods have different types of inputs (parameters) and outputs
The drawing that only takes a few turtle commands to create is
Week 2 1/28-2/1
An outline of
2 by Aneesh is here
Computer Science is the art, theory, and practice of programming.
High level code is for humans, low-level for machines. A compiler
converts the code for us.
Understanding errors is important. There are lots and knowing them
To declare a variable, you need a valid type and a valid name
To assign a value, you need a valid variable and a value of the correct type
Each method has a list of parameters (inputs). Each
has it's own type.
Methods must be called with the correct number and types
of parameters (in the right order) to compile
Methods has a certain type of return value.
Constructors also take parameters
You can hold reasonably sized integers in int. Java
doubles are only approximate.
Be sure to understand compiler errors--what causes them,
The Java API is great gives you all you need to know to
understand a class.
Testing code is important--otherwise your code will
probably not work
Code is grouped into packages. Code in other
packages is accessed through import statements.
The compiler challenge (corrected) is found
The answers are
Week 3 2/4-2/8
Aneesh's outline of
3 is found here
Each object of a given class stores its information in instance fields
Inside a class declaration we put instance fields, methods and constructors
The syntax for an instance field includes an access type, a type, and a name
The syntax for methods includes an access type, a return type, a name, a
parameter list, and the code to execute
The syntax for constructors includes an access type, the name (the same as
the class name), a list of parameters and the code to execute
The syntax for using things and for declaring things is completely different
The class we designed today is here:
Here is another class
and the associated
The general syntax for a class is
from Rebecca Hasti
An annotated example class is found
from Will
Local variables are for holding intermediate values
Instance fields hold the data for each Object
Parameters are inputs to functions
Primitive variables (int, double, float, char, short, byte, boolean, long)
hold the actual value
Object variables hold a reference to the object
The object practice with the Team class is
Another explanation of the three types of variables is
from Will
Another explanation of primitive vs. reference is found
Constructing classes, declaring and
writing methods, declaring instance fields
Choose the right type of number for your job. You may need to cast
when you might lose precision.
Operators take some values of a certain type and returns a value of a
certain type
Expressions can be chained together as long as we want
Code tracing is an important skill you should be able to do yourself.
Here is a code tracing
and the
from Andrew.
Here's another
and another
from Andrew.
Week 4 2/11-2/15
final means that the value can't be changed once it is set
static means that the variable or method belongs to the class.
You may call a static method on a class.
Naming constants (often public static final) can make your code easier to
read and maintain.
Here is the
solution to the in-class Team code-tracing challenge
Scanners are a good way to take input
Scanners are in the java.util package and have useful methods--look them up
if you need them
There are lots of great String methods--look them up if you need them
If there is a static variable, all of the instances share that instance
++, +=, -= and -- are increment and decrement functions. Use them as
statements, not expressions
static methods shouldn't be called on instances
Booleans are either true or false
>,<,<=,>=,||,&&,!,==,!= all return booleans
booleans are really valuable types
Week 5 2/18-2/22
Truth tables are a nice way to represent boolean functions
Boolean expressions can sometimes be simplified by laws of logic
methods can return booleans
== checks only if two Objects are precisely the same in memory
Use .equals() to compare Strings. Same with many other Objects
.equals() often needs to be written to be useful
if statements require booleans as conditions
if statements let us execute code only on a given condition.
If we wish to execute something only if the if statement does not execute,
we need an else
You don't need to use braces for ifs and elses, but do it anyway.
else ifs are just a combination of standard if-else syntax
The one point questions require you to know stuff
Assignments require a variable to exist, but accessible (static? private?),
be non-final, match the type of the expression and the expression must
Method calls require the object to exist, be initialized, have the method
exist, the method be accessible, have the correct number order and types of
parameters, and have the parameters compile.
We still have more to review
Week 6
You can review almost all of CS302 in one go
One simple class can show many concepts
The instantiable class on the exam is not so bad if
you figure out the data members
Here is
as well which we covered in class.
Just as you can get overflow if numbers get to big, you can get underflow if
numbers get too close to 0.
UML lets programmers visualize concepts
Methods can call themselves. If you know what you are doing you can
use this to do things repeatedly
Objects can hold Objects of the same type as data members. If you know
what you are doing, you can hold data conveniently.
Stack frames are diagrams that can help you track memory precisely.
We worked with the recursive
More on the Node class, which is not how we will do iteration or data
again, else-ifs are used for checking multiple conditions. They are a
combination of previous syntax
if-else statements can be nested
Week 7
Instead of using else-if statements, we can use switch statements on
primitive values
Use default to catch remaining cases in a switch
If you don't include break statements, the code will continue past labels,
which you usually don't want.
Doing things repeatedly is a fundamental operation of computers.
The while loop takes a boolean as a condition and keeps executing as long as
the boolean evaluates to true
The while loop has similar syntax to an if statement
You don't need braces, but add them anyway
When you wish to run a loop at least once, you may want a do-while loop
When you want to run a loop for a fixed number of times (a count controlled
loop) use a for loop
You can nest loops just as you can nest if statements
Here is the (fixed)
class with the poorly named methods. Here is the
of the methods.
Here's a
of java syntax for loops, if-else statements and switch statement
chart that shows the right structure to use to get it to run a certain
number of times.
Debuggers are extremely powerful tools for finding errors
Using print statements can also be quite useful for finding errors
A loop that runs until it sees a special signal is called a sentinal
controlled loops
Following code through loops can be tricky and it requires some patience
Infinite loops, off-by-one errors are common. Some errors can be
avoided by always including braces
Week 8: 3/10-3/14
Arrays are lists used to hold multiple related values
Arrays can't change size. They are object and must be created with new
and a specific size.
You access elements of arrays by passing in an index. You can access
and change elements
You can access all elements of an array with a for loop
You can make random numbers with Math.random() or the
Here's the
headline generator we discussed
Here's a list of
If a field and a parameter share the same name, just writing the name gives
the parameter. Local varaibles also beat fields.
The extension does not affect the type of the file, but it should probably
Arrays must be declared and initialized like other variables.
Arrays must be created with int sizes.
Putting things in arrays you must match types.
The compiler checks types, not values. Bad indexes are runtime errors.
Here's the array error
Here's the array error
You can specify the exact values of an array if you create it in a special
All objects can be passed to println even though there is not hundreds of
methods in the PrintStream class because all objects also have type Object.
Since each object have type Object, it shares all the methods from the
Object class--toString(), equals(), etc.
ArrayLists (WHICH YOU CAN'T USE IN THIS COURSE) hold many useful array
functions and can hold any Object.
We are not trying to teach you the easiest way to code everything. We
are trying to teach you to think like a programmer and to understand what
you are writing.
If you want to put primitives (which aren't Objects) in an ArrayList or
similar class (or in some other way treat them as Objects, you need a
wrapper class, like Integer, Double, and Float. They are very simple
Week 9: 3/24-3/28
Common array algorithms, array practice
Growing and shrinking arrays
2D arrays and higher
Week 10: 3/31-4/4
Designing classes, software life cycle, organizing classes, cohesion and
More static, more scope, regular expressions
accessors, mutators and side effects. Pass by value vs reference
Last updated 3-12-2008