Mini-Assignment A: Counters
Due Friday, February 8th at 7:00 PM
Java concepts I want you to learn from this assignment:
How to write complete Java class with instance fields, constructors,
methods, return values and parameters
How to use a Java class in a complete application
How to use a Jar file
Other concepts that will prepare you for Course Assignment 1:
How to follow the style and commenting guides for CS302
Get familiar with using Eclipse
Following precise specifications
If an action happens repeatably, it's natural to ask how many times it has
happened. Whether it is times we've left the country, goals in a soccer
game, movies from a director, or hours playing World of Warcraft, it can
be very useful information. For this assignment we will write a class that
can help us count and demonstrate how to use it. For this assignment you
will be responsible for writing three classes:,,
You may ask for help from TAs during their consulting hours, but they may not
have seen the assignment before. They can help you as they would on a
course assignment. Show them this page if they have questions.
The Counter class will be an instantiable class useful for keeping track of how
many times something has occurred. There are three steps that we need to
do this properly. We must be able to construct a Counter that starts at
zero, we must be able to increase the count by one whenever we want, and we must
be able to check the count when we want. Here's how we will define them:
A Constructor that takes no input and returns a constructor with a count of zero
A mutator method named increment() that takes no input and no output that
increases the count by one.
An accessor method named getCount() that takes no input and return the count as
an int.
We will also define another constructor and another two methods to make it even
more convenient:
A constructor that takes an int as input and uses that as the start of the
A mutator method named reset that takes no input and gives no output that
returns the count to 0.
A method named createEquivalentCounter() that takes no output and returns a
brand new counter that has the same count as the one we started with.
The names, parameter types and returns types will need to be exactly correct in
order for to work when you run it. To make it even more
clear, you may refer to
which has everything spelled out exactly for you.
Next we will use the Counter class. This is in part to show what the
counter is used for, but it is mostly a testing class to make sure the counter
actually works. Create an application. Here's what it should do when it is
run, in order:
Create a default Counter. Print it's count to the screen. (It
should be 0)
Create a second Counter that starts its count at 2. Print out its
count to the screen. (It should be 2)
Increment the first Counter three times and print the count. (It
should be 3)
Increment the second Counter twice and print its contents to the
screen. (It should be 4)
Create a third Counter by calling createEquivalentCounter() on the first
Counter. Print out its count. (It should be 3)
Reset the first Counter to zero and increment it once. Print its
count. (It should be 1)
Finally, print the count of the third Counter again. (It should be 3)
When I run your application it should do all those actions and the console
should have this output:
Notice that every method is called at least one and the values is printed before
and after the method calls. We also involve several objects.
Otherwise, we may have a very poor tester.
This will be an very simple class for you to write. It will just be
an application class that calls the function begin() on the class ChaseApp.
Optionally, you may pass in your name as a parameter. This will launch
code that I have written. In order for it to compile, you will need to download
to the folder where your project is. Then go to your project properties
and add the .jar to your project. If you want the game to look a little nicer,
also put
in your project directory.
The code in the jar is for a complete game, except there is one piece
missing: a Counter with the exact description I gave you. If it's
not there (or things have the wrong method names, return types, or parameters),
the program will crash. If the Counter class has all the right names but
the code is wrong, you may get a very easy, very hard, or very strange
game. If it is written based exactly as described and written correctly,
it is a puzzle piece that should fit exactly, and the game will work.
How do I know if it is working properly?
If a window pops up and lets you play a game, you are doing well. Watch
the score and see if the Counter is doing it's job right. There is an
version of the game here you can use for a comparison, but there will be
large differences between the two.
How is my Counter used?
Your Counter will be used in several ways. When the game starts, a default
Counter is created. Every frame (remember how movies show 24 frames each
second?) the increment() method is called. When you restart or change
levels, the reset() method() is called. The getCount() method is used to
display the score on the screen, to see if it is the high score, and to release
opponents onto the screen.
If the current score is the high score, a new Counter is created through the
createEquivalentCounter() method. The new Counter is saved in each Level
Object. Then getCount() is called to display the best score at the top in
the level and to determine the color and score for the High Score list.
This is cool! How can I learn more from this assignment?
Save a copy of your working code and play around with it. The game is much
easier if the counter increases by 10 each turn. The game is easier still
if it increases by 9 (since opponents aren't always released). Some later
levels unleash hordes of enemies if getCount() always return 150. What
happens if getEquivalentCounter() return a count that's twice as high?
What if the reset() does nothing? What if the default constructor creates
a Counter that starts at 4242?
Turning this in
Remember that
applies, as well as the
guides for this class. If you work in pairs, follow the
programming guidelines and have both partners send me a readme.txt. Do
not use the course handin program, since it isn't set up for my miniassignments.
Recall that the course policy is not to accept late work.
The files I want are:
Pair partners:
README.txt from both partners
Some extra credit if you generate good javadoc (with your own comments) for the
Counter class and send me Counter.html. Possible extra credit if you send
me something that shows me you did something above and beyond what is required.
Please email the files to Tim Bahls. Send them to bahls AT
If you know how, please put them in a .zip file.
Last updated 2-4-2008