This is a sample run of the sample adventure. The stuff the user typed
in is should in big blue
The first thing you notice is that your alarm is ringing.
The next thing you notice is that you're exhausted.
Then you remember there was something important. What do you do?
1. Just keep sleeping
2. Get up in five minutes
3. Get up and check the time
Oh no! You remember now--the CS302 exam starts in 10 minutes on the other side
of campus.
1. Run!
2. Take the bus
3. Give up
Give up! You can't! It's 18% of your grade!
1. Run!
2. Take the bus
That is not a valid choice
Give up! You can't! It's 18% of your grade!
1. Run!
2. Take the bus
That is not a valid choice
Give up! You can't! It's 18% of your grade!
1. Run!
2. Take the bus
You run. You're badly out of shape, but you've got determination. Unfortunately,
the light says "Do not walk."
1. Wait for the light
2. Look both ways, then jaywalk
3. No time! Run!
You get hit by a car and you break your hip.
You are taken to Meriter Hospital and taken care of, but you realize that you
still missed the exam.
Maybe you just should've slept. The end.
Last updated 2-20-2008