Mini-Assignment D: Fireworks 2

Due Tuesday, April 29th at 7:00 PM

Java concepts I want you to learn from this assignment:

Other goals:


Grading Standard:
Grading Standard

Since people seemed to like miniC, we're continuing along the same lines.  I basically give you a complete solution to miniC, and you use inheritance to make it even better.  Inheritance is an extremely powerful idea, and this assignment attempts to demonstrate it concisely.  If you understand inheritance, this assignment is not very long.  Not counting comments and blank lines, my sample solution is less than 80 lines of code (almost a third of which are just end braces).  If you have more than 40 lines of code in one file, you are likely doing something wrong.  By the way, IF THE CLASSES DO NOT INHERIT FROM EACH OTHER PROPERLY EXPECT HEAVY PENALTIES.  You will also get stiff penalties if you make data members from Particle no longer private.

To get started, download miniD.jar and add it to the Java Build Path of your project just like you did with all the other .jar files in this class.  Also download  Extract the .java files from it and put them where the rest of your source code goes. and probably won't compile if you haven't written all your classes.


Hopefully you have noticed that a major principle of computer science is eliminating duplicated code. We write methods and classes so that we can call things and create things many times while only writing it once. We use parameters and conditional statements so we can let one pice of code do many different things when it is called. We use loops and arrays so we can use code and values over and over while only writing it once.

We used interfaces so that classes that were very similar could be treated as a single type. That way we use any of several completely different solutions in one place. However, the interfaces had no code in them, and the classes could not share any code. If we have classes that are very similar, but with several important differences, we may be forced to write a single very complicated class, or we may have to write the shared code several times. As computer scientists, we don't like this. Duplicated code takes time to write, and it's much harder to debug and maintain.

This is why we use inheritance. Given some class that has code we'd like to use, we can extend that class. The new class (the subclass) has the all the instance fields and methods of the original class (the superclass). However, it can also have additional methods and fields. The subclass is a special, more specific type of the superclass. For example, if we write an Animal class, we create Bird and Fish as subclasses. If we wish to write a Parrot and a Flamingo class, they can use Bird for their superclass (thus Animal is also a superclass). All animals might have a weight and length, but only Fish would have an isSaltWaterFish() method.

This project relies heavily on inheritance. To complete this project, you should have a solid grasp of inheritance. Read this section and the book again if you are still unclear. To complete this project, you will need to understand many things about inheritance. Among them are these:

Inheritance and Particles

So how does this relate to Particles?  Well, anyone that spent some time playing with the Particle in Mini-assignment C will know that minor modifications can make very nice effects.  This way we can get these really neat effects

Here is a summary of the classes in javadoc form and in MS Paint UML form.

Provided classes

There is a lot of classes that we are providing for you.  There are a few that are in miniD.jar, which is almost exactly the same as miniC.jar.  There are a few that we gave you as java files last time.  There are a few that are the classes you wrote for miniC.  There are a few that are brand new, provided as examples of inheritance and to make your application more fun.

There are some changes to the classes we provided and wrote last time.  Here are a few changes to get you started:

We've provided some Particle subclasses for you as examples.  If you learn by example, be sure to check them out.  The OrbitParticle gravitates to a single point.  The LineParticle draws itself as a line instead of as a circle.  The FunkyParticle is a type of LineParticle that moves according to equations discovered in MiniC by Mikie Ruskin.  Be sure to check them out.

Particle subclasses you will write


This adds gravity back into Particle.  Each step adds some small constant to the y-velocity.  This small value would make a really great constant....


This class draws itself as an unfilled square instead of a filled circle.  You should use the the drawRect(int, int, int, int) method from java.awt's Graphics class.  It's very similar to the fillOval(int, int, int, int) method we use in Particle.

The size of the square should be passed into the constructor for SquareParticle.


TeleportParticle and BouncyParticle both need to know the size of the window to function.  Rather than write the code for tracking that information twice, we will write it once in BoundsParticle.  The Bounds particle is told about the width and height of the window.  It also has methods to retrieve the data.  Then TeleportParticle and BouncyParticle will extend BoundsParticle and we only need to write bounds-storing code once but we can use it in two classes.

It doesn't make much sense to create a plain BoundsParticle since it doesn't interact with the bounds in any way.  (If you want to know a better way to do this that we won't cover in class, read this ).


When these Particles exit the screen, they instantly reenter from the opposite side.  So if a particle leaves the left side, it enters the right side going the exact same speed and direction.


When this Particle hits the screen, it bounces off.  To make the bounce look good, we'll want it to basically follow the laws of physics--just like a specular reflection.  The math looks like it might be sort of hard, but it's actually extraordinarily easy--if you are using trigonometric functions, exponentiation, division, addition, multiplication, or addition, you're making things too hard.  Try some simple examples until you figure it out.

Extra Credit

If you'd like to make some new Particles, you can easily earn some extra credit.   Be sure to add them to FireworksController.  I'll let you come up with your own ideas.

I'd also offer extra credit for some well thrown or caught Exceptions, a good File I/O or some analysis on the pros and cons of inheritance.

If you want any extra credit, turn in a file called extracredit.txt.  That file should contain an explanation of how you improved your code and any analysis that you have for your code or the assignment.

Turning this in

Be sure to follow the course style and commenting guides--lots of people lost points here and they are the easiest points to get.  If you work in pairs, follow the pair programming guidelines and have BOTH partners send me a readme.txt.  Do not use the course handin program, since it isn't set up for the mini-assignments.

Recall that the course policy is not to accept late work.

The files I want from everyone are:

If you want any extra credit:

If you modified any of the files I gave you, I want them.  Tell me how you changed them in extracredit.txt.

Pair partners:
README.txt from both partners

I don't want javadoc or any .class files.

Please email the files to Tim Bahls.  Send them to bahls AT  You can zip them into one file if you wish.

Last updated 4-12-2008