Pop Quiz Feb 15

1._______ What type does the following expression have?

3.5 > 2

A) boolean
B) double
C) int
D) String

2._______ What does this code print?

String s = "Hungry";

A) H
B) u
C) s.charAt(1)
D) Hungry

3._____ Which of the follow is an correct method header for the main method of an application?

A) private static void Main(String[] args)
B) public static void main(String[] args)
C) public int static main(String args)
D) public void main(String[])

4. Suppose I have a Computer object named hal that I want to call the performCalculations() method on.  The performCalculations() method takes two parameters: an int followed by a String.  I want the int to be 42 and the String to be "Sorry Dave".  Write the complete statement that does this: