Name___________________________                    Quiz 2/25/08

From the Spring exam, modified:

A small non-profit has hired you to help develop a database for its lending library.  Your task is to write the complete code for the instantiable class LibraryBook, which represents a book in the library.  Each library book keeps track of its title, its call number, the user ID for the person the book is checked out to, and the number of times it has been checked out. User ID numbers are positive integers.  Implement the following constructor and methods:   

public LibraryBook(String title)  
Constructs a LibraryBook object with the given title that has never been checked out.

public String getTitle()
Returns the title of the book.   

public int getUserID()
Returns the user ID for the person to whom the book is checked out or 0 if the book is
not currently checked out.   

public int numberOfCheckOuts()
Returns the number of times the book has been checked out.   

public void checkOut(int userID)
Checks out the book to the person with the given userID.  You may assume that the
userID passed in is a positive integer.   

public void checkIn()
Checks in this book.  Immediately after checking in a book, a call to getUserID
should return 0.   

public boolean isCheckedOut()
Returns true if the book is currently checked out and false otherwise.

No other methods are required.  Comments are not required but can be helpful where your code is
unclear.  If something isn't specified, do something reasonable and comment your assumptions.