Grading rules:

The maximum number of points is 15, but the quiz is counted out of 10 since it was so rushed.

1 pt for declaring the class properly
3 pts for the correct declarations of data members (should be private)
2 pts for the constructor
1 pt each for getTitle(). getUserID() and numberOfCheckouts()
2 pts each for checkIn(), checkOut(), and isCheckedOut().


public class LibraryBook{
    private String title;
    private int timesCheckedOut;
    private int currentUsersID;

    public LibraryBook(String _title){
        title = _title;
        timesCheckedOut = 0;
        currentUsersID = 0;

    public String getTitle() {
        return title;

    public int getUserID() {
        return currentUsersID;

    public int numberOfCheckOuts() {
        return timesCheckedOut;

    public void checkOut(int userID) {
        currentUsersID = userID;

    public void checkIn() {
        currentUsersID = 0;

    public boolean isCheckedOut() {
        return currentUsersID != 0;

Last updated 3-5-2008