Pop Quiz 2-6-2008
Name ________________________

1.______ Which of the following is not one of the variable types we have seen so far?

A. Instance Field
B. Return variable
C. Local variable
D. Parameter Variable

2.______ Suppose I have a method with this header:

public int nescio(String s)

which of the following would compile?

A. String s;
    s = nescio(17);
B. int n;
    n = nescio(17);
C. String s;
    s = nescio("Latin");
D. int n;
    n = nescio("Latin");

3.______ Given the class we wrote together yesterday, the changeScore() method was....
A. A mutator method
B. An accessor method
C. Both a mutator and an accesor method.
D. Neither an accesor or a mutator method.

4. Show how to declare an instance field that could hold a Team object (Follow proper style for this course):