Name____________________                    Pop Quiz 3/5/2008

Question 1 is supposed to be very easy if you did the reading and nearly impossible if you didn't.

1._______  Which of the following was the example the book used for nested loops?
A. Computing a list of fibbonacci numbers
B. Drawing a triangle of square brackets
C. Printing a multiplication table
D. Finding values in a 2D array
E. Trick questions--the reading was only on non-nested loops

2._______  What does this code print?

int a = 0;
for(int i = 1; i < 4; i++){
    a = a + i;

A. 0
B. 4
C. 6
D. 10
E. Nothing—It will loop forever

3._______ Why won't this code compile?

int a = 0;
while a < 3

A. It's missing ;
B. It's missing ()
C. It's missing {}
D. It's not indented correctly
E. The < operator returns an int