Tim's Tips for CS302
Start your projects early.
They can take a very long time.
Be sure to double check your
assignments before you turn them in. Each file should have a file
comment at the top and a class comment at the top.
Before you turn in each file,
select everything (“Edit” > “Select All” or Ctrl + A) and use Eclipse's
auto-formatter (“Source” > “Format” or Ctrl + Shift + F). It
can save you lots of hassle and a few points.
Do not submit a file with
compiler errors—comment code out if necessary. However, you can get a
lot of partial credit, especially if you have good documentation.
If you have wavy red underlines
in your program, you have a compiler error. You can find the
description by putting your mouse over the error. Learn what the
compiler errors mean and how to fix them. Do not add code randomly
until the lines go away.
Similarly, when your program
crashes, some red text should appear in your console. Learn what the
error messages mean and how to learn where the error occurred.
Learn how to debug programs
using print statements.
Consulting hours are
the web. If you get stuck on the homework you can talk to a
If you write your code step by
step and run it to check your work, debugging is much easier. Even if
you can write it all at once and have it correct of the first try, you don't
win any prizes.
The exams are the bulk of your
grade. Be sure you understand the definitions and details, but working
knowledge is important, too. Doing your reading is an important part
of this.
Be sure to work in lab. Do
not let your partner do all the work, and make sure your partner understands
what's going on. This is your practice for the assignments, so be sure
to do them thoroughly.
Consulting hours are
the web. It's a good idea to check your understanding of core
concepts with the TA's.
CodeLab is actually pretty
instructive and sometimes the error messages are quite helpful. If you
find yourself having difficulty with code lab, it's a good sign you may need
to reread the book. Do not add code randomly until CodeLab accepts
If you're having trouble with a
CodeLab problem, you can review the compiler output, which is sometimes more
informative than the error messages.
You generally can't make up the
points lost if you miss lab or code lab, but consider doing them anyway—you
make up points on the exams and projects.
This class will be harder for
some people and easier for others. It's not fair, but fortunately your
worth is not measured by how easily you can solve deductive reasoning
puzzles. Nor is it measured by your grades.