New Researcher Symposium

Tuesday June 14, 2010
18:00 - 20:30 pm

The goal of this year's symposium is to give graduate students and junior researchers advice on realizing their big idea and a personal perspective about different work environments.

Our first panel will cover topics pertaining to realizing your big idea. How did you know that you were on to a big idea? How did you marshal resources to your cause? What were the mistakes you made in the process?

Our second panel will focus on long-term career development. In particular, we have asked the panelist to describe different work environments, e.g., academia versus industry or North America versus Europe.

The two panels will share their personal experiences with these issues at different points of their research careers. Although primarily targeting new researchers, we believe that these panels will be interesting to everyone in our community. The symposium is highly informal. So, we hope that you come with any questions you have, and ask them either during the panels or during the open-floor discussion at the end of the symposium. Everyone is welcome!

Symposium Schedule

18:00 - 18:15 Welcome and Introduction

Yanlei Diao (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
Christopher Ré (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

18:15 - 19:15
Panel 1 : Developing and Realizing Your Big Idea

Jens Dittrich, Saarland University
Michael J. Cafarella, University of Michigan
Luna Dong, AT&T
Sam Madden, MIT

19:15 - 19:30
19:30 - 20:30
Panel 2: Exploring Career Opportunities: Changing Perspectives

Renée J. Miller, University of Toronto
Yannis E. Ioannidis, University of Athens
Johannes Gehrke, Cornell University
Alon Halevy, Google