papers from 2005-09 at

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The files are in order of increasing age.

hrx: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
Hierarchical zonotopal spaces;
Olga Holtz, Zhiqiang Xu and Amos Ron
october 2009
to appear in
TAMS; xx(x); 201x; xxx-xxx;

dahmen: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
The way things were in multivariate splines: A personal view;
Carl de Boor
april 2009
in Multiscale, Nonlinear and Adaptive Approximation, R. DeVore and A. Kunoth
(eds.), Springer Verlag (Berlin-Heidelberg, Germany); 2009; 19--37;

A symmetric collocation method with fast evaluation;
Michael Johnson
appeared in
IMAJNA; 29(3); 2009; 773--789;

Scattered data reconstruction by regularization in B-spline and associated wavelet spaces;
Michael Johnson, Zuowei Shen, Yugong XU
appeared in
\JAT; 159(2); 2009; 197--223;

angpl: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
Multivariate polynomial interpolation: Aitken-Neville sets and generalized principal lattices;
Carl de Boor
april 2008
updated 1may08, 8jul08, 10aug08
\JAT; 161(1); 2009; 411--420;

ard: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
Approximation using scattered shifts of a multivariate function;
Ronald DeVore and Amos Ron
feb 2008
TAMS; xx(x); 2010; xxx-xxx;

shekht: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
On the pointwise limits of bivariate Lagrange projectors;
Carl de Boor and Boris Shekhtman
november 2007
\LAA; 429(1); 2008; 311--325;

zonotopes: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
Zonotopal algebra;
Olga Holtz and Amos Ron
september 2007

boxsubdv: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
Box splines revisited: convergence and acceleration methods for the subdivision and the cascade algorithms;
Carl de Boor and Amos Ron
december 2006
\JAT; 150(1); 2008; 1--23;

TPSerror: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
Error estimates for thin plate spline approximation in the disc;
Thomas Hangelbroek
december 2006

apframes: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
Time frequency representations of almost-periodic functions;
Yeon Hyang Kim and Amos Ron
decenber 2006
\CA; xx; 2008; xxx--xxx;

gcn: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
Multivariate polynomial interpolation: conjectures concerning GC-sets;
Carl de Boor
september 2006
proc. 1st Dolomites Workshop: 2006:
07dec06 update
\NA; 45; 2007; 113--125;

A note on the limited stability of surface spline interpolation;
Michael Johnson
has appeared
\JAT; 141(2); 2006; 182--188;

laglimit: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
What are the limits of Lagrange projectors?
Carl de Boor
december 2005
(Constructive Theory of Functions, Varna 2005), B. Bojanov (ed.),
Marin Drinov Acad.\ Publ.\ House (Sofia); 2006; 51--63;

lcamp: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
L-CAMP: Extremely local high-performance wavelet representations in high spatial dimension;
Youngmi Hur and Amos Ron
november 2005
IEEE Trans.\ Info.\ Theory, {\bf 54 (5)} (2008), 2196--2209.

pcf: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
New constructions of piecewise-constant wavelets;
Youngmi Hur and Amos Ron
may 2005
ETNA, Special Volume on Constructive Function Theory {\bf 25}
(2006), 138--157.

huron: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
CAPlets: wavelet representations without wavelets;
Youngmi Hur and Amos Ron
march 2005

MvsD: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
Ideal interpolation: Mourrain's condition vs $D$-invariance;
Carl de Boor
jan 2005
(Banach Center Publications Vol.~72: Approximation and Probability),
Tadeusz Figiel and Anna Kamont (eds.), IMPAN (Warszawa, Poland); 2006; 49--55;