Greg Cipriano, PhD

Office: 1347 CS
E-mail: gregc at
Lab Phone: (608) 265-2711

About me

I'm currently a graphics developer at SolidWorks, working on graphics, rendering and user-control technologies. Just before that, I worked with Prof. Mike Gleicher on simplified visualization of protein structures. One upon a time, I was paid for by a fellowship from the wonderful people in CIBM. I was a discussion leader for CS302 a few years ago...

Before that, I worked for WebMD as a database programmer in Portland, OR.

Before that, I graduated from the University of Oregon with majors in CS and Math, and a minor in music.


Greg Cipriano, George Phillips, Michael Gleicher "Local functional descriptors for surface comparison based binding prediction." BMC Bioinformatics. Nov 2012. [link]

Greg Cipriano, Gary Wesenberg, Tom Grim, George Phillips, Michael Gleicher. "GRAPE: GRaphical Abstracted Protein Explorer." Nucleic Acids Research, Web Server Issue. 2010. URL:

Greg Cipriano, George N. Phillips Jr., Michael Gleicher. "Multi-Scale Surface Descriptors." IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings Visualization 2009). October 2009. [link]

Greg Cipriano, Michael Gleicher. "Text Scaffolds for Effective Surface Labeling." IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings Visualization 2008). October 2008. [link]

Greg Cipriano, Michael Gleicher. "Molecular Surface Abstraction." IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings Visualization 2007). October 2007. [link]

My Ph.D. Thesis

Molecular Surface Abstraction

Defended Aug. 24, 2010.

What I do for fun

Last Updated: 10/20/2014