PCx: Linear Programming Software for Windows 95/NT

The PCx interior-point predictor-corrector linear programming solver is available here in a version for Windows 95 and Windows NT.

The Windows version is now based on release 1.1 of PCx, so it is now consistent with the Unix distribution.

Downloading and Installing PCx for Windows

PCx is freely available, but it is not public-domain software. Commercial users should obtain a license. For conditions of use, see the copyright statement.

A self-extracting file containing the executable, User Guide (including a supplement for the Windows version), sample input files, and copyright statement can be obtained from the PCx Download Page. (You will need to fill out a request form first, to get a password.)

Feel free to contact us with any comments or queries.


The User Guide (Supplement for the Windows 95/NT version) is available as pdf or and ASCII. You'll also need the general PCx User Guide (pdf) which was written specifically for Unix version, though most of it is still relevant to the Windows version.


The Windows 95/NT version was set up by

Joe Czyzyk, Magda Stolarski, Stephen Wright.

Thanks to user Guillermo Irisarri for building the 1.1 version!

For contributors to PCx itself, see the PCx home page.


The general PCx Copyright Statement applies also to the Windows version.

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