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00001 /* OOQP                                                               *
00002  * Authors: E. Michael Gertz, Stephen J. Wright                       *
00003  * (C) 2001 University of Chicago. See Copyright Notification in OOQP */
00005 #ifndef QPGENDRIVER
00006 #define QPGENDRIVER
00008 #include <memory.h>
00009 #include <string.h>
00010 #include <iostream.h>
00011 #include <stdlib.h>
00013 #ifdef HAVE_GETRUSAGE
00014 #include <sys/time.h>
00015 #include <sys/resource.h>
00016 #include <unistd.h>
00017 #endif
00019 #include "QpGenVars.h"
00020 #include "QpGenResiduals.h"
00021 #include "MpsReader.h"
00022 #include "SimpleVector.h"
00023 #include "Status.h"
00024 #include "QpGenData.h"
00025 #include "OoqpVersion.h"
00027 extern int gOoqpPrintLevel;
00028 int scale = 0;
00030 template<class SOLVER, class FORMULATION>
00031 int qpgen_solve( int argc, char * argv[],
00032                  SOLVER * /* dum1 */, FORMULATION * /* dum2 */ )
00033 {
00034   char filename[256];
00035   int goodUsage = 1; // Assume good. Why not be optimistic
00036   int iargv    = 1;
00038   while( iargv < argc ) {
00039     if( argv[iargv][0] != '-' ) break; // done with the options
00040     int iopt = 1; // Assume argv[iargv][1] is the start of the option name
00041     if( argv[iargv][1] == '-' ) iopt = 2; // it is a --arg
00042     if( 0 == strcmp( "print-level", &argv[iargv][iopt] ) ) {
00043       if( ++iargv >= argc ) break;
00044       char * endptr;
00045       gOoqpPrintLevel = strtol( argv[iargv], &endptr, 10 );
00046       if( '\0' != *endptr ) { 
00047         break;
00048         goodUsage = 0;
00049       }
00050     } else if( 0 == strcmp( "quiet", &argv[iargv][iopt] ) ) {
00051       gOoqpPrintLevel = 0;
00052     } else if( 0 == strcmp( "verbose", &argv[iargv][iopt] ) ) {
00053       gOoqpPrintLevel = 1000;
00054     } else if( 0 == strcmp( "version", &argv[iargv][iopt] ) ) {
00055       printOoqpVersionString();
00056       exit(0);
00057     } else if( 0 == strcmp( "scale", &argv[iargv][iopt] ) ) {
00058       scale = 1;
00059     } else {
00060       // Unknown option, bug out of the option parsing loop
00061       goodUsage = 0;
00062       break;
00063     }
00064     iargv++;
00065   }
00066   if( iargv == argc - 1 && goodUsage ) {
00067     strncpy( filename, argv[iargv], 255 );
00068     filename[255] = '\0';
00069   } else {
00070     cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [ --version ] [ --print-level num ] "
00071       "[ --quiet ] [ --verbose ] [--scale] problem.qps\n";
00072     return 1;
00073   }
00075   try {
00076     int iErr;
00077 #ifdef HAVE_GETRUSAGE
00078     rusage before_read;
00079     getrusage( RUSAGE_SELF, &before_read );
00080 #endif
00081     MpsReader * reader  = MpsReader::newReadingFile( filename, iErr );
00082     if( !reader ) {
00083       cerr << "Couldn't read file " << filename << endl 
00084            << "For what it is worth, the error number is " << iErr << endl;
00085       return 1;
00086     }
00088     int n1, m1, m2, nnzQ, nnzA, nnzC;
00089     reader->getSizes( n1, m1, m2 );
00090     reader->numberOfNonZeros( nnzQ, nnzA, nnzC );
00092     FORMULATION * qp 
00093       = new FORMULATION( n1, m1, m2, nnzQ, nnzA, nnzC );
00094     QpGenData * prob = (QpGenData * ) qp->makeData();
00096     /* Set the scaling option */
00097     if( scale == 1)
00098         reader->scalingOption = 1;
00099     else
00100         reader->scalingOption = 0;
00102     prob->datainput( reader, iErr );
00103     if( 0 != iErr ) {
00104       cerr << "Couldn't read file " << filename << endl
00105            << "For what it is worth, the error number is " << iErr << endl;
00106       return 1;
00107     }
00108     reader->releaseFile( iErr );
00109 #ifdef HAVE_GETRUSAGE
00110     rusage  after_read;
00111     getrusage( RUSAGE_SELF, &after_read );
00112 #endif
00114     if( 0 != iErr ) {
00115       cerr << "Couldn't close file " << filename << endl 
00116            << "For what it is worth, the error number is " << iErr << endl;
00117       return 1;
00118     }
00120     QpGenVars     * vars  = (QpGenVars * ) qp->makeVariables( prob );
00121     Residuals     * resid = qp->makeResiduals( prob );
00122     SOLVER * s            = new SOLVER( qp, prob );
00124     s->monitorSelf();
00125 #ifdef HAVE_GETRUSAGE
00126     rusage before_solve;
00127     getrusage( RUSAGE_SELF, &before_solve );
00128 #endif
00129     int result = s->solve(prob,vars, resid);
00130     if( 0 == result ) {
00131       if( gOoqpPrintLevel > 0 ) {
00132 #ifdef HAVE_GETRUSAGE
00133         rusage  after_solve;
00134         getrusage( RUSAGE_SELF, &after_solve );
00135         double read_time =
00136           (after_read.ru_utime.tv_sec - before_read.ru_utime.tv_sec)
00137           + (after_read.ru_utime.tv_usec - before_read.ru_utime.tv_usec)
00138           / 1000000.0;
00139         double solve_time =
00140           (after_solve.ru_utime.tv_sec - before_solve.ru_utime.tv_sec)
00141           + (after_solve.ru_utime.tv_usec - before_solve.ru_utime.tv_usec)
00142           / 1000000.0;
00144         cout << " QP read in " << read_time << " seconds.  "
00145              << "QP solved in " << solve_time << " seconds.\n";
00146 #endif
00147       //  vars->print();
00149       double objective = reader->objconst() + prob->objectiveValue(vars);
00151       cout << " " << n1 << " variables, " 
00152            << m1  << " equality constraints, " 
00153            << m2  << " inequality constraints.\n";
00155       cout << " Iterates: " << s->iter
00156            <<",    Optimal Solution:  " << objective << endl;
00157       }
00158       vars->printSolution(reader, prob, iErr);
00159     } else {
00160       if ( gOoqpPrintLevel > 0 ) {
00161         cout << "Could not solve this QP.\n";
00162         cout << "Terminated with code " << result;
00163         if( result > 0 && result <= UNKNOWN ) {
00164           cout << " : " << TerminationStrings[result];
00165         }
00166         cout << ".\n";
00167       }
00168     }
00170     delete s;
00171     delete vars;  
00172     delete resid;
00173     delete prob;
00174     delete qp;
00175     delete reader;
00177     return result;
00178   } 
00179   catch( ... ) {
00180     cerr << "\nOops, out of memory\n";
00181     return -1;
00182   }
00183 }
00185 #endif

Generated on Mon May 24 17:40:46 2004 for OOQP by doxygen1.2.18