Implementing Lists Using Linked-Lists



The previous set of notes discussed how to implement the List class using an array to store the items in the list. Here we discuss how to implement the List class using a linked-list to store the items. However, before talking about linked lists, we will review the difference between primitive and non-primitive types in Java.

Java Types

Java has two "categories" of types:
  1. primitive types: short, int, long, float, double, boolean, char, and byte
  2. reference types: arrays and classes
When you declare a variable with a primitive type, you get enough space to hold a value of that type. Here's some code involving a primitive type, and the corresponding conceptual picture:

When you declare a variable with a reference type, you get space for a reference (pointer) to that type, not for the type itself. You must use "new" to get space for the type itself. This is illustrated below.

Remember that class objects are also reference types. For example, if you declare a variable of type List, you only get space for a pointer to a list; no actual list exists until you use "new". This is illustrated below, assuming the array implementation of lists, and assuming that the List constructor initializes the items array to be of size 3. Note that because it is an array of Objects, each array element is (automatically) initialized to null (shown using a diagonal line in the picture).

An important consequence of the fact that non-primitive types are really pointers is that assigning from one variable to another can cause aliasing (two different names refer to the same object). For example:

Note that in this example, the assignment to B[1] changed not only that value, but also the value in A[1] (because A and B were pointing to the same array)! However, an assignment to B itself (not to an element of the array pointed to by B) has no effect on A:

A similar situation arises when a non-primitive value is passed as an argument to a method. For example, consider the following 4 statements, and the definition of method changeArray:

1.   int[] A = new int[3];
2.   A[1] = 6;
3.   changeArray(A);
4.   System.out.print(A[1]);

5.   public static void changeArray(int[] X) {
6.     X[1] = 10;
7.     X = new int[2];
8.   }
The picture below illustrates what happens when this code executes.

Note that the method call causes A and X to be aliases (they both point to the same array). Therefore, the assignment X[1] = 10 changes both X[1] and A[1]. However, the assignment X = new int[2] only changes X, not A, so when the call to changeArray finishes, the value of A[1] is still 10, not 0.


For each line of the code shown below, draw the corresponding conceptual picture.


Intro to Linked Lists

Here's a conceptual picture of a linked list containing N items, pointed to by a variable named L:

Note that a linked list consists of one or more nodes. Each node contains some data (in this example, item 1, item 2, etc) and a pointer. For each node other than the last one, the pointer points to the next node in the list. For the last node, the pointer is null (indicated in the example using a diagonal line). To implement linked lists in Java, we will define a Listnode class, to be used to represent the individual nodes of the list.

Note that the next field of a Listnode is itself of type Listnode. That works because in Java, every non-primitive type is really a pointer; so a Listnode object is really a pointer that is either null or points to a piece of storage (allocated at runtime) that consists of two fields named data and next.

To understand this better, consider writing code to create a linked list with two nodes, containing "ant" and "bat", respectively, pointed to by a variable named L. First we need to declare variable L; here's the declaration together with a picture showing what we have so far:

To make L point to the first node of the list, we need to use new to allocate space for that node. We want its data field to contain "ant" and (for now) we don't care about its next field, so we'll use the 1-argument Listnode constructor (which sets the next field to null):

To add the second node to the end of the list we need to create the new node (with "bat" in its data field and null in its next field), and we need to set the next field of the first node to point to the new one:


Assume that the list shown above (with nodes "ant" and "bat") has been created.

Question 1.
Write code to change the contents of the second node's data field from "bat" to "cat".

Question 2.
Write code to insert a new node with "rat" in its data field between the two existing nodes.


Linked List Operations

Before thinking about how to implement lists using linked lists, let's consider some basic operations on linked lists:

Adding a node

Assume that we are given:
  1. n, (a pointer to) a node in a list (i.e., n is a Listnode), and
  2. newdat, the data to be stored in a new node
and that the goal is to add a new node containing newdat immediately after n. To do this we must perform the following steps: Here's the conceptual picture:

And here's the code:

Note that it is vital to first copy the value of n's next field into tmp's next field (step 2(a)) before setting n's next field to point to the new node (step 2(b)). If we set n's next field first, we would lose our only pointer to the rest of the list after node n!

Also note that, in order to follow the steps shown in the picture above, we needed to use variable tmp to create the new node (in the picture, step 1 shows the new node just "floating" there, but that isn't possible -- we need to have some variable point to it so that we can set its next field, and so that we can set n's next field to point to it). However, we could in fact accomplish steps 1 and 2 with a single statement that creates the new node, fills in its data and next fields, and sets n's next field to point to the new node! Here is that amazing statement:


Draw pictures like the ones given above, to illustrate what happens when node n is the last node in the list. Does the statement

still work correctly?


Now consider the worst-case running time for this add operation. Whether we use the single statement or the list of three statements, we are really doing the same thing:

  1. Using new to allocate space for a new node (start step 1).
  2. Initializing the new node's data and next fields (finish step 1 + step 2(a)).
  3. Changing the value of n's next field (step 2(b)).
We will assume that storage allocation via new takes constant time. Setting the values of the three fields also takes constant time, so the whole operation is a constant-time (O(1)) operation. In particular, the time required to add a new node immediately after a given node is independent of the number of nodes already in the list.

Removing a node

To remove a given node n from a linked list, we need to change the next field of the node that comes immediately before n in the list to point to whatever n's next field was pointing to. Here's the conceptual picture:

Note that the fact that n's next field is still pointing to a node in the list doesn't matter -- n has been removed from the list, because it cannot be reached from L. It should be clear that in order to implement the remove operation, we first need to have a pointer to the node before node n (because that node's next field has to be changed). The only way to get to that node is to start at the beginning of the list. We want to keep moving along the list as long as the current node's next field is not pointing to node n. Here's the appropriate code:

Note that this kind of code (moving along a list until some condition holds) is very common. For example, similar code would be used to implement a lookup operation on a linked list (an operation that determines whether there is a node in the list that contains a given piece of data).

Note also that there is one case when the code given above will not work. When n is the very first node in the list, the picture is like this:

In this case, the test (tmp.getNext() != n) will always be false, and eventually we will "fall off the end" of the list (i.e., tmp will become null, and we will get a runtime error when we try to dereference a null pointer). We will take care of that case in a minute; first, assuming that n is not the first node in the list, here's the code that removes n from the list:

How can we test whether n is the first node in the list, and what should we do in that case? If n is the first node, then L will be pointing to it, so we can test whether L == n. The following before and after pictures illustrate removing node n when it is the first node in the list:

Here's the complete code for removing node n from a linked list, including the special case when n is the first node in the list:

What is the worst-case running time for this remove operation? If node n is the first node in the list, then we simply change one field (L's next field). However, in the general case, we must traverse the list to find the node before n, and in the worst case (when n is the last node in the list), this requires time proportional to the number of nodes in the list. Once the node before n is found, the remove operation involves just one assignment (to the next field of that node), which takes constant time. So the worst-case time running time for this operation on a list with N nodes is O(N).

Using a header node

There is an alternative to writing special-case code to handle removing the first node in a list. That alternative is to use a header node: a dummy node at the front of the list that is there only to reduce the need for special-case code in the linked-list operations. For example, the picture below shows how the list "ant", "bat", "cat", would be represented using a linked list without and with a header node:

Note that if your linked lists do include a header node, there is no need for the special case code given above for the remove operation; node n can never be the first node in the list, so there is no need to check for that case. Similarly, having a header node can simplify the code that adds a node before a given node n.

Note that if you do decide to use a header node, you must remember to initialize an empty list to contain one (dummy) node, you must remember not to include the header node in the count of "real" nodes in the list (e.g., if you implement a size operation), and you must remember to ignore the header node in operations like contains.

The List Class

Now let's consider what changes need to be made to the definition of the List class in order to change from the array implementation to the linked-list implementation. Remember, we only want to change the implementation (the "internal" part of the list abstract data type), not the interface (the "external" part of the abstract data type). That means that the signatures of the public methods will not change; nor will the descriptions of what those methods do. The only thing that will change is how the list is represented, and how the methods are implemented.

Look back at the definition of the List class in the first set of notes and think about which fields and/or methods need to be changed before reading any further.

Clearly, the type of the items field needs to change, since the items will no longer be stored in an array. Instead, we will need to maintain a pointer to the first node in the list, so the new declaration will be:

    private Listnode items;  // pointer to the first node in the list of items

Given that change, let's think again about the three List methods that were discussed assuming the array implementation:

  1. The version of add that adds to the end of the list.
  2. The version of add that adds to a given position in the list.
  3. The constructor.
In the discussion below, we will assume that the linked list used to store the items in the list does have a header node.

add (to end of list)

Recall that the first version of method add adds a given value to the end of the list. We have already discussed how to add a new node to a linked list following a given node. The only question is how best to handle adding a new node at the end of the list. A straightforward approach would be to traverse the list, looking for the last node (i.e., use a variable tmp as was done above in the code that looked for the node before node n). Once the last node is found, the new node can be inserted immediately after it.

The disadvantage of this approach is that it requires O(N) time to add a node to the end of a list with N items. An alternative is to add a lastNode field (often called a tail pointer) to the List class, and to implement the methods that modify the linked list so that lastNode always points to the last node in the linked list (which will be the header node if the list is empty). There is more opportunity for error (since several methods will need to ensure that the lastNode field is kept up to date), but the use of the lastNode field will mean that the worst-case running time for this version of add is always O(1).

Here's a picture of the "ant, bat, cat" list, when the implementation includes a lastNode pointer:


Write the "add at the end" method.


add (at a given position)

As discussed above for the "add to the end" method, we already know how to add a node to a linked list after a given node. So to add a node at position pos, we just need to find the previous node in the list. Since we're assuming that our List class is implemented with a header node, there will always be such a node (i.e., we don't need any special-case code when we're asked to add a node at the beginning of the list).


Below is a header for the "add at the end" method. Write the method body.

// add
// Given: Object ob and int pos
// Do:    Throw an exception if pos has a bad value.
//        Otherwise, add ob to the list at position pos (counting from zero)
// Implementation:
//        Check for a bad position and if so, throw an exception.
//        Otherwise:
//          If we're being asked to add to the end of the list,
//          call the "add to the end" method (that way we don't need
//          to worry about updating the lastNode pointer).  Otherwise:
//          o find the node n currently at position pos, counting the
//            header node as being at position zero
//          o create a new Listnode for ob, whose next field points to the
//            node after n and set n's "next" field to point to the new node


The List constructor

The List constructor needs to initialize the three List fields:
  1. Listnode items (the pointer to the header node)
  2. Listnode lastNode (the pointer to the last node in the list)
  3. int numItems
so that the list is empty. An empty list is one that has just a header node, pointed to by both items and lastNode. As for the array implementation, numItems should be set to zero.


Write the constructor.


Comparison: Lists via Arrays versus via Linked Lists

When comparing the list implementations using linked lists and using arrays, we should consider: In terms of space, each implementations has its advantages and disadvantages: In terms of time:

In terms of ease of implementation, straightforward implementations of both the array and linked-list versions seem reasonably easy. However, the methods for the linked-list version seem to require more special cases, and achieving O(1) time for adding to the end of the list in the linked-list version requires maintaining an extra pointer (to the last node).


Assume that lists are implemented using linked lists with just a pointer to the first node in the list (no additional pointers), and with no header node. How much time is required (using Big-O notation) to remove the first item from a list? to remove the last item from a list? How do these times compare to the times required for the same operations when the list is implemented using an array?


Linked List Variations

There are several variations on the basic idea of linked lists. Here we will discuss two of them:
  1. doubly linked lists
  2. circular linked lists

Doubly linked lists

Recall that, given (only) a pointer to a node n in a linked list with N nodes, removing node n takes time O(N) in the worst case, because it is necessary to traverse the list looking for the node just before n. One way to fix this problem is to require two pointers: a pointer the the node to be removed, and also a pointer to the node just before that one.

Another way to fix the problem is to use a doubly linked list. Here's the conceptual picture:

Each node in a doubly linked list contains three fields: the data, and two pointers. One pointer points to the previous node in the list, and the other pointer points to the next node in the list. The previous pointer of the first node, and the next pointer of the last node are both null. Here's the Java class definition for a doubly linked list node:

To remove a given node n from a doubly linked list, we need to change the prev field of the node to its right, and we need to change the next field of the node to its left, as illustrated below.

Here's the code for removing node n:

Unfortunately, this code doesn't work (causes an attempt to dereference a null pointer) if n is either the first or the last node in the list. We can add code to test for these special cases, or we can use a circular, doubly linked list, as discussed below.

Circular linked lists

Both singly and doubly linked lists can be made circular. Here are the conceptual pictures:

The class definitions are the same as for the non-circular versions. The difference is that, instead of being null, the next field of the last node points to the first node, and (for doubly linked circular lists) the prev field of the first node points to the last node.

The code given above for removing node n from a doubly linked list will work correctly except when node n is the first node in the list. In that case, the variable L that points to the first node in the list needs to be updated, so special-case code will always be needed unless the list includes a header node.

Another issue that you must address if you use a circular linked list is that if you're not careful, you may end up going round and round in circles! For example, what happens if you try to search for a particular value val using code like this:

and the value is not in the list? You will have an infinite loop!


Write the correct code to search for value val in a circular linked list pointed to by L. (Assume that the list contains no "null" data values.)


Comparison of Linked List Variations

The major disadvantage of doubly linked lists (over singly linked lists) is that they require more space (every node has two pointer fields instead of one). Also, the code to manipulate doubly linked lists needs to maintain the prev fields as well as the next fields; the more fields that have to be maintained, the more chance there is for errors.

The major advantage of doubly linked lists is that they make some operations (like the removal of a given node, or a right-to-left traversal of the list) more efficient.

The major advantage of circular lists (over non-circular lists) is that they eliminate some special-case code for some operations. Also, some applications lead naturally to circular list representations. For example, a computer network might best be modeled using a circular list.

Answers to Self-Study Questions

Test Yourself #1

Test Yourself #2

Question 1: L.getNext().setData("cat");

Question 2: L.setNext( new Listnode("rat", L.getNext()));

Test Yourself #3

The list begins:

and after the code looks like:

and this is correct.

Test Yourself #4

Here's the code for the add method that adds to the end of the list.
// add
// Given: Object ob
// Do:    Add ob to the end of the list
// Implementation:
//        o create a new Listnode for ob, pointed to by the "next" field
//          of the last node in the list (which will be the header node if
//          the list is empty)
//        o change the lastNode pointer to point to the new node
//        o increment numItems.
public void add(Object ob) {
    lastNode.setNext( new Listnode(ob) );
    lastNode = lastNode.getNext();

Test Yourself #5

Here's the code for the add method that adds at a given position.
// add
// Given: Object ob and int pos
// Do:    Throw an exception if pos has a bad value.
//        Otherwise, add ob to the list at position pos (counting from zero)
// Implementation:
//        Check for a bad position and if so, throw an exception.
//        Otherwise:
//          If we're being asked to add to the end of the list,
//          call the "add to the end" method (that way we don't need
//          to worry about updating the lastNode pointer).  Otherwise:
//          o find the node n currently at position pos, counting the
//            header node as being at position zero
//          o create a new Listnode for ob, whose next field points to the
//            node after n and set n's "next" field to point to the new node
public void add(Object ob, int pos) {
    // check for bad position
       if (pos < 0 || pos > numItems) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
    // if asked to add to end, let the other add method do the work
       if (pos == numItems) add(ob);

    // find the node n after which to add a new node and add the new node
       Listnode n = items;
       for (int k=0; k<pos; k++) n = n.getNext();
       n.setNext( new Listnode(ob, n.getNext()) );

Test Yourself #6

Here's the code for the constructor.
// List
// constructor for the linked-list implementation of the List class
// Do:    Initialize the list to be empty (i.e., initialize the
//        linked list to have just a header node, pointed to by
//        both pointer fields, and initialize numitems to zero).
public List() {
    items = lastNode = new Listnode(null);
    numItems = 0;

Test Yourself #7


linked list


remove first



remove last



For linked list: To remove the first node you only have to do L = L.getNext() so this is O(1). To remove the last node you must traverse the list from the first node to get to the next-to-last node to do the delete, so this is O(N).

For arrays: To remove the first item you must shift all the remaining items one array location to the left to fill in the hole so this is O(N). To remove the last item there are no shifts because no items are to the right, so this is O(1).

Test Yourself #8

    // Note: this code has excessive comments to help you understand it in detail.
    // returns true if val is in circular linked list L; otherwise returns false
    if (L == null) return false;  // no items in list so not found
    if (L.getData().equals(val)) return true;  // val is in the first node in the list
    Listnode tmp = L.getNext();
    while (tmp != L) {  // stops from going past first node and going in circles
        if (tmp.getData().equals(val)) return true;  // found val at this node
        tmp = tmp.getNext();
    return false;  // did not find val in list