UW Courses Taken/In Progress

  1. Computer Science 764: Advanced Databases (Spring 2013)
  2. Mathematics 742: Abstract Algebra 2 (Spring 2012)
  3. Computer Science 726: Nonlinear Optimization (Fall 2012)
  4. Compture Science 838: Physical Models of Computation (Fall 2012)
  5. Computer Science 880: Topics (Counting Complexity) (Spring 2012)
  6. Computer Science 787: Algorithms (Spring 2012)
  7. Computer Science 710: Complexity (Fall 2011)
  8. Computer Science 701: Compilers (Fall 2011)
  9. Mathematics 741: Abstract Algebra 1 (Fall 2011)

Completed Programs

BS in Computer Science: University of Rochester 2011

MS in Computer Science: University of Rochester 2011