Aditya Kumar Akash


Aditya Kumar Akash
Department of Computer Sciences
UW Madison

About me

I am a second year PhD student at CS Department in UW Madison (2018-), advised by Prof. Vikas Singh. I completed my B.Tech from IIT Bombay in Computer Science where I was advised by Prof. Ganesh Ramakrishnan.
After my undergraduate, I worked as a software engineer for Google in Bangalore. I was a part of Maps team which handles automoderation of user generated edits on Google Maps. I feel very fortunate to be guided by amazing mentors.


My current research interests include

  • Deep Learning methods for Computer Vision

  • Optimal Transport

  • Fairness in CV

  • Knowledge Distillation


  1. Vishnu Suresh Lokhande, Aditya Kumar Akash, Sathya N. Ravi, Vikas Singh, “FairALM: Augmented lagrangian method for training fair models with little regret” Under Review

  2. Aditya Kumar Akash, S. Garg, “Stochastic bandits with delayed composite anonymous feedback” NeurIPS 2019 Workshop on Machine Learning with Guarantees

  3. Aditya Kumar Akash, S. P. Fekete, S.K. Lee, A.Lpez-Ortiz, D. Maftuleac, and J. McLurkin, “Lower bounds for graph exploration using local policies” 10th International Workshop on Algorithms and Computations (WALCOM)

  4. D. Maftuleac, S.K. Lee, S. P. Fekete, Aditya Kumar Akash, A.López-Ortiz, and J. McLurkin, “Local policies for efficiently patrolling a triangulated region by a robot swarm” International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)