CS 640: Computer Networks Fall '10: PA 3 |
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Please sign up for a demo time slot from the available times here. E-mail me with 2 preferred time slots. I will update this as groups sign up. Please check this schedule before sending your final selections to me.
We encourage all group members to attend the demo. However, the requirement is to have 1 person from each group at the demo.
Each group should complete the demo form here and submit a hard copy at the demo time.
In this programming assignment, you will modify the emulators that
you implemented in project 2,
to perform a link-state routing
protocol to determine the shortest paths between a fixed, known set of
nodes in the lab. The paths between the nodes will be reconfigurable
and new routes must stabilize within a fixed time period. Your emulators will also forward packets from
the routetrace application that you will build to the
node which is the next hop in the shortest path to a
specified destination. In this assignment, we will not provide you with each and every detail of how you should implement the link-state protocol. Instead, we will specify a set of requirements that your program should satisfy.
As with the first two programming assignments, you are to work in teams and write your code in C or C++. You will demo your code in
the CS lab 1350. Each node in the network is defined by an {IP,port}
pair. After start up, each emulator will implement the following
readtopology, createroutes, and forwardpacket .
readtopology will read a text file which defines the
interconnection structure of a test network that can have up to 20
The topology structure will be stored in a file and will
have the following format: The first IP,port pair in each line of the topology file
to a node which is running an emulator and will be listening for packets
from all of the remaining IP,port pairs in the line (ie. a one-way
connection to the first node from all of the other nodes). You can
that there will be bidirectional connections to and from each node in
topology and that the topology file will be set up to reflect this. A
simple example is as follows:
Topology.txt The assumption after readtopology is executed is that all
nodes should be "alive" and that the process of setting up the routing
table should begin. readtopology only needs to be executed once
when the emulator is started and the application can assume that
the topology file is in the same directory in which the emulator code
running. Note that this means that the emulator knows the whole topology at the startup. createroutes should implement a link-state routing
protocol to
set up shortest path routes between nodes in the specified topology. You should refer to the course textbook for details on how the link-state protocol works and follow that protocol in your implementation. The createroutes function should run continuously after the topology has been specified by the readtopology.
must be designed to react to nodes being responsive or unresponsive in
network and will require link-state information to be transmitted
between an emulator and its neighbors. The interval of transmission (ie. how frequently
updates are sent) is up to you as is the mode of transport (TCP or UDP)
the link-state packet format. However you must insure that your routing
topology stabilizes within at least 5 seconds after a node state
change takes place (For example when emulator 3 is disconnected).
For the purpose of the routing algorithm, you should
assume that the distance between neighbor nodes is 1 ie. weights on each
link between nodes is 1. forwardpacket will determine where to forward a packet
received by an emulator in the network. Your emulator should be able to
both packets regarding the link-state protocol, and packets that are
forwarded to it
from the routetrace application. The packet format of the link-state messages is up to you.
The emulator will be invoked as follows:
Note: You might want to print some debugging information on the emulator so that if your program is not behaving as expected at the demo time we can analyze what your program does and does not do correctly. routetrace is an application similar to the standard
routetrace which will trace the hops along a shortest path
the source and destination emulators.
routetrace will send packets to the source emulator with
successively larger
time-to-live values until the destination node is reached and will
an output showing the shortest path to the destination. You will use
this application to verify that
your implementation of link-state protocol has the correct shortest
paths between the nodes.
This application will generate an output that traces the shortest path
between the source and destination node in the network that is given to
it by the command line parameters below. An instance of
routetrace will be invoked as follows:
This is the suggested packet format for the routetrace application: More concretely here is what the routetrace application does: Here is what your emulator should do once it receives a routetrace packet:
There will be no sender or requester involved in this project. Moreover,
note that the emulator will not be
tested for functions such as queuing, logging, loss percentage or delay.
The emulator will read the topology
file and not the table containing the routing information from project
2. It is sufficient that the
emulator supports the functions described above.
The Ctrl+ C command on the terminal will be used to temporarily
disable an emulator in the
topology. The idea is that the topology must be reconfigurable on the
fly. When
an emulator is disabled, it will cease forwarding packets and cease
its routing messages to its neighbors. When the emulator is started
again, it will begin
participating in routing and forwarding again and the shortest path routes will get updated. Sample test case:
Consider the above topology. If we run the routetrace application
between nodes 1 and 4, here is the output
that you should get:
Now lets disable emulator 3 by using the command Ctrl + C. Your routes
should reconfigure. Once we run the
routetrace application again after a few seconds, we should get:
Your program will be tested similarly with another topology at the demo
The executable program names must be "emulator" and "trace". You
also must supply a makefile with your source code to produce the
binaries and also "clean" them when necessary. Only submit the absolute necessary files.
Do not submit topology files or binaries.
To turn in your code, copy your code to the directory
Each group is required to sign up for a time slot to demo their
work. TAs will inform you of the available demo schedule.
Demos will be performed in room 1350. You are responsible to make sure
that your code works on these machines before
you hand the code in (ssh to these machines and test your code even if
you are working in another computer lab).
Grading will be according to the following
CS 640 - Programming Assignment 3
Due: Thursday December 9, 11:00 PM
Demo Instructions
Project Details
IP_b,port_x IP_a,port_w IP_c,port_y IP_d,port_z ...
2 ----- 5
/ \ \
/ \ \
/ \ \
Node IP Port
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5,1,2,3,2,1,3,5,3,1,2,4,4,3,5,5,2,4
emulator -p <port> -f <filename>
routetrace Details
trace -a <routetrace port> -b < source hostname> -c <source port> -d <destination hostname>
-e <destination port> -f <debug option>
Changes from Project 2
Hop# IP, Port
1, 1
2, 3
3, 4
Hop# IP, Port
1, 1
2, 2
3, 5
4, 4
You have implemented the readtopology function and each
emulator knows its neighbors.
You have implemented the createroutes function to
perform a link-state protocol after the nodes come up.
You have implemented the forwardpacket function to
forward packets from the routetrace application and other emulators.
You have correctly implemented the routetrace application.
Shortest path routes that routetrace prints are correct
and reconfigure when emulators are disabled or enabled after
they are disabled.