CS 838: Big Data Systems
Fall '15: Course Home Page

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Lec # Date Topic Notes/additional material Papers to review Checkpoints/Other refs
1 9/2 Course Introduction How to read 1; 2 Did you get the Piazza welcome email? (check your wisc ID)
2 9/4 Data Center Architecture B+09; A+09 (skim) Find a project team!
3 9/9 Data Center Networks S+15
4 9/14 Storage S+10
5 9/16 MapReduce G+04; G+10 (optional)
6 9/18 YARN V+13; G+14 (skim)
7 9/21 Spark ZC+10
8 9/28 DAGs: Tez SS+15; C+15 (skim)
9 10/02 Scheduling without coordination O+13; S+13 (skim)
10 10/07 SQL: Hive H+14
11 10/09 SparkSQL A+15
12 10/14 Impala, Presto K+15; Cb+13 (skim)
13 10/16 SQL Systems comparison F+14
14 10/21 Resource management, storage (again) L+15; Z+11 (skim)
15 10/23 GDA and CISL Talks Go to CS 1240
16 10/28 Streaming from batch computation: Spark streaming ZD+13; C+10
17 10/30 Native streaming systems: Storm/Heron T+14; KB+15
18 11/2 Graph Processing: GraphX G+14; GL+12 (skim)
19 11/4 Machine Learning: MLBase/MLI KT+13; ST+13
20 11/9 GraphProc Comparison HD+14
21 11/11 Geo-distributed: Geode; GDA VCB+15; VC+15 (skim)
22 11/16 Exam 1
23 11/18 Parameter Server LA+14
24 11/20 Deep Learning C+14; N+15 (skim)
25 11/23 Approximation AM+13
26 Diagnosis M+15
27 12/4 Exam 2