About Me

I am currently a final year graduate student in the Computer Sciences Department at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. Before coming to Madison, I received my undergraduate degree in Computer Science from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC).

My research interests lie in software system reliability, with a focus on detecting, diagnosing and fixing various kinds of software bugs. I am working mainly with Shan Lu, and closely with Ben Liblit.


  1. Leveraging the Short-Term Memory of Hardware to Diagnose Production-Run Software Failures (ASPLOS 2014) PDF
    Joy Arulraj, Guoliang Jin, Shan Lu.
  2. Validating Library Usage Interactively (CAV 2013) PDF
    William R. Harris, Guoliang Jin, Shan Lu, Somesh Jha.
  3. Production-Run Software Failure Diagnosis via Hardware Performance Counters (ASPLOS 2013) PDF
    Joy Arulraj, Po-Chun Chang, Guoliang Jin, Shan Lu.
  4. Automated Concurrency-Bug Fixing (OSDI 2012) PDF
    Guoliang Jin, Wei Zhang, Dongdong Deng, Ben Liblit, Shan Lu.
  5. Understanding and Detecting Real-World Performance Bugs (PLDI 2012) ACM DL Author-ize servicePDF
    Guoliang Jin, Linhai Song, Xiaoming Shi, Joel Scherpelz, Shan Lu.
  6. Automated Atomicity-Violation Fixing (PLDI 2011) ACM DL Author-ize servicePDF PPTX
    Won SIGPLAN CACM Research Highlights Nomination
    Guoliang Jin, Linhai Song, Wei Zhang, Shan Lu, Ben Liblit.
  7. ConSeq: Detecting Concurrency Bugs through Sequential Errors (ASPLOS 2011) ACM DL Author-ize servicePDF
    Wei Zhang, Junghee Lim, Ramya Olichandran, Joel Scherpelz, Guoliang Jin, Shan Lu, Thomas Reps.
  8. Instrumentation and Sampling Strategies for Cooperative Concurrency Bug Isolation (OOPSLA/SPLASH 2010) ACM DL Author-ize servicePDF PPTX
    Guoliang Jin, Aditya Thakur, Ben Liblit, and Shan Lu.