I am in love with this new song I've been listening to on repeat. This is one of the major annoyances my girlfriend and roomates have to put up with on a daily basis. Anyway I digress, the song is titled 'Nothing Really Matters' by Mr. Probz. Apart from the catchy tunes and drops in the remix version of it; I am slowly coming to realize and appreciate the deep meaning behind the title of the song. Now I want to be careful here and not overstep my boundaries. But I was certainly a control freak in my past snapshots of life and placed overdue importance on the importance of things, over thinking about conversations or impact of a decision I was going to make. I have over time, realized the value of being mellow and taking things as they come in stride. Don't get me wrong, you still need to care for things and give it your best as if you were controlling it, but the results should be left to any higher power be that god, ether or, if you don't believe in such a thing, vaccuum. What this does is free you from a lot of anxiety and enables you power through the 'journey' part of anything instead of the destination. Thinking about an excuse for why you can't meet today, quite often something changes and meeting get's cancelled. I am not advocating for just lying back and reneging/not honoring commitments because , 'Hey, does it really matter?' We are definitely treading the sword's edge here, but it's an interesting thing to try out if we could enforce Pareto's principle all at once. Most things don't really matter... I abstract mankind as advanced monkeys put on this spinning landmass of metal, gas and dirt and trying to do what? I think the best way to convey what I'm feeling and trying to express is, things matter but they don't *really* matter. My best advice is from Steve Jobs :- 'Remove the noise and get to the very few things which truly give you meaning.' Don't mistake meaning for professional or financial success. It's important to disconnect needs of the material self(which likely never get's satiated). keeping up with the charades in the world/believing in them. who / what is honest/truly cares for whats happening with you It's a remarkable paradox, nothing really matters when you really think about, but somehow we still attach so many aspirations, desires hopes dreams. We assign things meaning which in turn affects how we feel etc. Attachment, What is attachment, whats the root of it, what inspires it and drives it. I(the person) wants to eat. Why? The image of food in our head? The grumbling of the tummy. We come up with so many rules , so many manifestations of our reality, Let me know in the comments, what would be your 80-20 split? What would belong in between? How would you decide?