Polynomial Texture Maps -- an Implementation

Alex Mohr


Abstract: This work implements Polynomial Texture Maps as presented by Malzbender et al. at SIGGRAPH 2001. Polynomial Texture Maps (PTMs) are a space and time efficient method for encoding an object's diffuse lighting response as the light position varies with respect to the surface. A traditional texture map encodes a different color C for each point (u,v) on a surface. In contrast, a PTM encodes a set of coefficients Cf for each point on a surface. These coefficients are parameters to a polynomial model that approximates the surface point's color change as the lighting position changes. The object is sampled from a number of different lighting directions, and coefficients are obtained by a least-squares fit of the model to the data. During rendering, the pixel-processing hardware of modern graphics processors is used to evaluate the polynomial model very quickly. Because each point on a surface can vary with the lighting direction, PTMs can capture interesting surface reflectance properties that normal texture maps cannot. These include approximately correct diffuse lighting for small-scale features and global effects like self-shadowing.

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