Abtin Molavi

✉ amolavi@cs.wisc.edu

I am a CS Ph.D. student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison advised by Aws Albarghouthi. I apply tools and techniques from formal methods and programming languages to quantum computing.

I earned a B.S. in Computer Science and Math at Harvey Mudd College, where I worked on quantitative program analysis with Lucas Bang and the ALPAQA group.



“Dependency-Aware Compilation for Surface Code Quantum Architectures”[pdf]

Abtin Molavi, Amanda Xu, Swamit Tannu, Aws Albarghouthi

“Optimizing Quantum Circuits, Fast and Slow”[pdf]

Amanda Xu, Abtin Molavi, Swamit Tannu, Aws Albarghouthi

“Synthesizing Quantum-Circuit Optimizers”[pdf]

Amanda Xu, Abtin Molavi, Lauren Pick, Swamit Tannu, Aws Albarghouthi

“Qubit Mapping and Routing via MaxSAT”[pdf]

Abtin Molavi, Amanda Xu, Martin Diges, Lauren Pick, Swamit Tannu, Aws Albarghouthi

“MCBAT: Model Counting for Constraints over Bounded Integer Arrays.” [pdf]

Abtin Molavi, Thomas Schneider, Mara Downing, Lucas Bang

“MCBAT: A Practical Tool for Model Counting Constraints on Bounded Integer Arrays” [pdf, video]

Abtin Molavi, Thomas Schneider, Mara Downing, Lucas Bang
GandALF20 “Symbolic Execution + Model-Counting + Entropy Maximization = Automatic Search Synthesis.” [pdf]
Mara Downing, Abtin Molavi, Lucas Bang