Course Projects


CS 766 - Patch-based image classification
CS 838 - Mining protein-protein interactions with LDA
CS 764 - Automatic research summaries (with Andrew Goldberg)


CS 726 - SOCP for missing/uncertain data
CS 880 - Online optimization algorithms


Summer 2009

ECE 901 - Statistical Learning Theory

Spring 2009

MHR 765 - Tech Entrepreneurship

Fall 2008

COMP SCI 731 - Advanced AI

Spring 2008

COMP SCI 642 - Intro to Info Security

Fall 2007

STAT 571 - Statistical Methods for the Biosciences I

Spring 2007

COMP SCI 764 - Topics-Database Mgt Systems
COMP SCI 880 - Topics in Theortcl Comp Sci (Approximation Algorithms)

Fall 2006

BIOCHEM 612 - Prokaryotic Molecular Biol
COMP SCI 726 - Nonlinear Progrmg Thry&Appl
COMP SCI 760 - Machine Learning

Spring 2006

BACT 901 - Advanced Seminar (Scientific Ethics)
BIOCHEM 501 - Introduction-Biochemistry
COMP SCI 538 - Thry & Desgn-Progrmg Langs
COMP SCI 838 - Advanced Natural Language Proc

Fall 2005

GENETICS 466 - General Genetics
COMP SCI 564 - Database Mgt Systems
COMP SCI 766 - Computer Vision