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  September 5, 2001
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Home > Company Index > Retail > Grocery Retailing > THE SEIYU, LTD.

THE SEIYU hopes to see you at its approximately 220 stores (mainly in the Kanto region), which sell food, household goods (some under the Martha Stewart Everyday brand), clothes, and electronics. The company's supermarkets include its Food Plus chain. Some of these supermarkets also anchor its other main endeavor, large shopping centers called The Mall. SEIYU's supermarkets also are central to its smaller neighborhood shopping centers. Other operations include Libro bookstores, L.L. Bean Japan, and travel and publishing businesses. The debt-laden company has closed stores and is ridding itself of unprofitable operations. SEIYU began closing its L.L. Bean outlets in 2001. Seibu Department Stores owns 7% of the company.

JUSCO Co., Ltd. (dossier)
MYCAL Corporation (8269)
UNY Co., Ltd. (8270)

Fiscal Year-End: February
2000 Sales (mil.): 8,905.80
1-Yr. Sales Growth: (5.2)%
Employees: 13,528
Revenue per employee: $658,323.48

• Masao Kiuchi
• Shinichi Hoshiko

2-1-1 Akabane, Kita-ku
Tokyo 115-0045, Japan
Phone: 81-3-3598-7000
Fax: 81-3-3598-7745
Online: Web Site

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