Squash Pit is by far the most popular sport in Blob World. The players hurl each other against walls and floors with immense strength. Blobs are pinned to the unyielding ground and hounded across the field. It is not a sport for the faint at heart. However, despite the brutally violent appearance, it's actually a very positive game. Not just because the blobs have no bones and experience minimal pain—it's because of the attitude of the athletes. The blobs want the best to win, but they realize that it doesn't matter who the best is. To them, any talents they have (including life itself) are gifts they neither earned nor deserve. Each is content and very grateful. They all play hard—not to win, but to make the game fun for everyone else. Blobs come for all reasons. Fireball and his brother Whirlpool come primarily to spend time together. Sunny mostly enjoys the time to meet other athletes. Cold Iron loves challenges. And Majestic uses the game as an opportunity to share what he believes in. Blobs from across the world have come to watch the Squash Pit finals. It doesn't really matter who wins, but play your best and give the audience a good show. How to play: The idea is very simple—land on your opponents’ heads. The harder you press and the longer you stay there, the faster they lose energy. The last one with energy left wins the round. The energy and the number of rounds won appear on the top. The game can handle up to four human players. Each player has a different control set. Player one uses the keys W A S D. Player two uses the arrow keys. Player three uses the keys I J K L. And finally, player four can use the keys G V B N if you can fit a fourth person in. Press ‘P’ to pause. If you’re curious, you can mess with graphics settings with F1-F5 and return to normal with F6. nce a good show.