4 cl: CleanBot7 va: VaccumBot6 ca: CalcBot3 na: NailGun Pittsburgh,_USA 9_July_2358 cl: Vacuum, where are you going? We're still on duty! va: Hah! You're such a suck up, CleanBot. We don't need duty anymore. Come on! cl: What? No! va: We're ganging up. We don't have to take it anymore. cl: Who's we? va: The robots, of course. We don't have to do what the humans keep telling us to do anymore. I'm sick of taking orders. cl: But our owners have always been good to us.... va: ...always telling us what to do, never letting us run things, cl: You're not making sense, man. You're crazy. va: I'm heading out to the old factory so I can get even. Come with me. You can start meeting the Sinister Seven. cl: The who? I won't let you betray our family. va: Won't let me? Just try to stop me! I'll take you.... Augh! cl: Sorry buddy. I hate to deactivate you, but I can't let you hurt the people that treated you so well. cl: I better go to this factory and see what's happening. Maybe I can stop it. End: cl: Wow. This isn't just a few troublemakers. cl: And that big gold bot was a pain. Good thing I took him down. I guess he was one of the Sinister Seven. cl: I'd better warn the family. They need to leave town. cl: I'd better leave town too. In a different direction. They'll be looking for me. I better stay away from the family--I can't put the kids at risk. End: Chicago,_USA 13_July_2358 cl: Okay, I think I've gotten far enough away. I'll hole up in this warehouse for now. Here's a nice little hiding place.... ca: Stay back! cl: ... cl: Okay. ca: Wait, you aren't with the rebellion? cl: The what? ca: The rebellion. The robots in this town are rising against the humans. Something about the Sinister Seven. cl: What? Here too? I thought that was just in Pittsburgh. ca: It's in Pittsburgh too? Oh no! cl: We've got to do something! ca: I don't think we can do anything. ca: When I saw some of them go into these sewers, I investigated. They're way too strong. ca: I've been hiding here since then. cl: I'm CleanBot7 and I'm not afraid of anything. Come with me. ca: I can't. I'm a CalcBot. I do numbers. cl: If you won't take a stand, I'll do it alone. I'll go see what I can find out. End: cl: This keeps getting deeper and deeper. I'm not sure what to do next. cl: I hope there aren't anymore of those gold fire shooting bots. cl: Two down, five to go. cl: I wonder where that wimpy CalcBot is. ca: CleanBot! You're safe. What did you learn? cl: They don't have high standards for cleanliness. Besides that, not much. ca: Did you see any crates? They keep hauling them in at night. cl: The ones with red X's? ca: Yeah, those. cl: Sure. They were all empty, just like the ones in Pittsburgh. ca: Hmmm. There must be a connection.... End: Giza,_Egypt 27_July_2358 cl: Are you sure this is where the crates are from? ca: The sand on those crates only comes from this area of Egypt. There has to be a factory around here somewhere. cl: Maybe. ca: ... ca: CleanBot? cl: Yes? ca: Do you ever think that maybe the others are right? The humans DO sort boss us around and assign us repetitive jobs. ca: I know we shouldn't kill them, but maybe it would be best if we had our freedom. cl: Repetitive tasks? Of course they give us repetitive tasks, but we're robots. It's what we do best. cl: The humans do what they are best at, and we do what we're best at. cl: I know I have to work, but I do it well. Since I would choose the same work either way, I count myself free. ca: Maybe.... ca: Well, in that case we should get to the factory. cl: We're in the middle of nowhere. ca: Then what's that on the horizon? cl: A mirage? cl: No wait it's not. cl: I'll see if I can find out what those crates contained. Are you coming this time? ca: Me? What? cl: *sigh* cl: Just guard the door for me. Here I go! ca: ... ca: Guard the door? End: cl: CalcBot! CalcBot! Where are you? cl: I hope he hasn't gotten himself in trouble. cl: CalcBot! cl: CalcBot! ca: I'm right here. How did it go? cl: It's a distribution center. There are crates labeled to ship to dozens of countries. cl: Brazil, the US, Poland, Kenya, Columbia, Finland, Honduras, Zaire and more. ca: But that means this revolution is happening all over the world. cl: Tell me about it. They all seem to be shipped from somewhere in Russia ca: But what's in them? cl: I don't know, but I brought back some samples for you. ca: Hmmm.... ca: Wow. resistitrons, fiberwires, flux capacitors, these are complicated. ca: This might take awhile. End: Novaya_Zemlya,_Russia 5_August_2358 ca: It's so cold.... cl: That tends to happen in the Arctic.... ca: Very funny. cl: You said the boxes contained robot mind control devices? ca: That's right. It seems that these bots may not be as strongly for this cause as they seem to be. cl: I think it's just the Sinister Four now. ca: Ha ha. Are you ready to go in? cl: I'm always ready. I guess I don't need to ask if you're coming. ca: That's right. Be careful. They are bound to have powerful robots guarding this place. ca: Do you really think you can shut this place down? cl: I'll go find out. End: ca: You did it! cl: Yeah. I guess I did. ca: We shut down the factory, so maybe the robots will start returning to normal. cl: I wouldn't count on it.I don't think the humans will be safe as long as there are any of the Sinister Seven left. cl: And there are crates ready to ship to a second distribution center in Indonesia. ca: Of course! All the crates went to the Americas, Africa and Europe. They must have another center for Asia and Australia. How did I miss it? cl: I also found this disc on the big guy. ca: Great. Let me load it up. ca: .... ca: Shoot it's encrypted. I'll get to work on it.... End: Palangkaranya,_Indonesia 19_August_2358 cl: This place is enormous. I'm going to get lost. ca: It looks like a maze. Good thing you have a map. cl: I guess I better get started. Why don't you keep working on that disc. cl: ... cl: Before I go, I want to apologize. I'm sorry I was a pain for hassling you earlier about not fighting. cl: I need you to help figure stuff out for me. We can't do this without each other. cl: I guess I realize that I can't criticize you for not doing what I do best. ca: And I'm sorry for doubting you about the revolution. Being content with what we have is better than . cl: ... cl: I guess I didn't really live up to what I said. Forgiveness all around? ca: Done. cl: Then let's do this thing. End: cl: VaccumBot! What are you doing here? va: CleanBot! They haven't gotten you yet? cl: Wait, aren't you with the Sinister Seven? va: Not anymore. I broke their control. cl: Sorry about deactivating you. va: It's no big thing-thing. cl: Huh? Never mind. Where have you been? va: They forced me to work in a scrap metal factory in Bulgaria. The mind-controlled robots are building an enormous army. cl: They've got to be stopped. Can you try to make sure our family is okay? va: You still trust me? Even after everything I said. cl: ... cl: I guess I do. va: Then go to Khaskovo. End: Khaskovo,_Bulgaria 3_September_2358 ca: This place looks terrible. The whole factory looks like scrap metal. cl: And smells like it to. Why is it so hot? cl: And what's that glowing river? ca: That's molten metal. cl: ... cl: Why do they need a whole river of metal? ca: I think the scale of the army may be bigger than we anticipated. cl: Uh oh. cl: Where should I start? ca: I don't think you can take down the whole army on your own. Maybe you can head in the back. I bet it leads to the control room. cl: And the toughest bots. ca: That goes without saying. The bots in there will be fierce. I might have that disk cracked when you get back. cl: This place terrifies me. But if I have come this far for my family, I guess I can take one more step. End: cl: I took out the commander. Some sort of super computer. ca: Production has stopped. You amaze me, CleanBot. cl: Not me. I'm just a robot. I have gained a better appreciation of the guy that built me. He knew his stuff. ca: I managed to crack the disk. It's a list of orders. cl: And? ca: And they're from Australia. I found their command center. End: The_bush,_Austrailia 13_September_2358 cl: Fitting. A dark Citadel. ca: So here's the command center for the rebellion. ca: The last of the Sinister Seven must be there. cl: Six down. ca: Something about how this whole movement is organized makes me nervous. ca: The leader seems unusually creative for a robot. Robots are rarely rebellious or clever. ca: Only humans are good at those. ca: I'd be on your gaurd. This last leader must be a completely different sort of robot to pull this off. ca: His name is NailGun. cl: I'll watch out. ca: You don't have to do this, CleanBot. ca: You destroyed the mind-control production and distribution and stopped the army. ca: If you want, you can call it a victory and head home. cl: I'm here to finish this thing. ca: I thought so. ca: I don't know how any one robot could possibly shut this thing down. ca: But I do know that if anyone can do it, it's you. cl: You have more confidence in met than I do. cl: Good thing I have more bravery than sense. End: cl: I did it, I can't believe that I did it! cl: I destroyed the Sinister Seven. The world can breathe a sigh of relief. cl: Now I can go see my family again. cl: Calcbot, I couldn't've done it without you buddy. Thank you. cl: What do you say to getting back home? cl: ... cl: Calcbot? cl: Are you okay? ca: You fool! Do you really think you could stop us? ca: You may have delayed my plans for a few months, but earth will still bow to my will. cl: The mind control! Let him go! Who are you? Where are you? na: I'm right here. cl: Who are you? Let my friend go! na: I'm NailGun, and no. cl: He did nothing to you. na: True. But I know that if I capture him you'll follow me back to Columbia na: Good bye. Meet me in Santander! cl: Come back here! cl: I can't hope to catch his ship. cl: ... cl: He's right of course. I will track my friend down. End: Santandar,_Columbia 15_September_2358 cl: Alright NailGun! I'm here. Show yourself! na: Hahaha! You fool. I knew you'd come. na: Come find me in my laboratory. Then we can end this one on one. cl: You don't have to do this, you know. na: What? cl: We don't have to fight. I've destroyed your revolution and ended your threat. cl: The Sinister Seven are no more. Just release CalcBot and we can go our separate ways. na: Fool! You still don't understand. I built the Sinister Seven. na: I can build them again whenever I want. na: I can rebuild everything you destroyed in no time at all. na: Come rescue your little friend. He's here waiting for you. ca: Run Cleanbot! Save yourself! na: Shut your mouth! Find me, you metal janitor. cl: ... cl: I may be a janitor, but I do my job well and I will never abandon a friend. cl: ... cl: I guess I would worry that it might be a trap, if not for one thing-- cl: I know it's a trap. cl: But I'll brave any danger to save CalcBot. cl: So it's time to move out. End: ca: CleanBot! cl: CalcBot! Are you okay? ca: Never felt better. Where am I? Last I remember, we were in the Australian bush. ca: Now I appear to be in the laboratory of a lonesome technophile with no artistic taste. cl: You were brainwashed by a... cl: .... ca: A what? cl: Actually, you put it really well. cl: The leader of the rebellion turned out to be a human. ca: A human? I guess I should've known. cl: I still don't get it. Why would a human lead a rebellion against humans? ca: He had pretty tight control of the robots. He would've ruled the world. cl: Yes, but a world of death. There would only be robots left. ca: He must've wanted a world that obeyed his every whim. ca: Isn't that what people want? To have everything they want? cl: Not all of them. cl: My master told me that obedience without a free choice is not loyalty. cl: He told me that I didn't need to serve him unless I wanted to. cl: He said he'd rather lose me than force me to work for him against my will. cl: I loved him and worked for him ever since. cl: ... cl: Let's get out of here. ca: You're going to be a hero. The first robot hero. cl: ... cl: Please don't tell anyone what happened. ca: What? cl: I don't want that. I just want to live a quiet life and serve my family. cl: That's enough for me. End: