Objects in this picture may not appear the same now.
Balaji Gopalan
Confused first year grad student
Enlightened second year grad student
I completed my Masters in the Department Of Computer Sciences and will be joining back to Google.
For humans: ba laji@c s.wisc.edu
For amateur spam bots: FIRSTNAME AT cs DOT wisc DOT edu.
For smart spam bots: You can easily figure out my email address from the URL, can't you :).
Winter 2009
Fall 2009
Summer 2009
B.E., Madras Institute of Technology, Anna University, India.
Software Engineer, Google Inc., Bangalore, India.
Software Development Intern, Amazon Inc., Seattle.
Last modified: May 2010.
I completed my Masters in the Department Of Computer Sciences and will be joining back to Google.
For humans: ba laji@c s.wisc.edu
For amateur spam bots: FIRSTNAME AT cs DOT wisc DOT edu.
For smart spam bots: You can easily figure out my email address from the URL, can't you :).
B.E., Madras Institute of Technology, Anna University, India.
Software Engineer, Google Inc., Bangalore, India.
Software Development Intern, Amazon Inc., Seattle.
Last modified: May 2010.