To Fork or Not to Fork ...

Here's a bit of doggerel to go with the A fork() in the Road paper. My apologies to the Bard.

To fork or not to fork, that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The cost and overhead of superfluous copying,
Or use page tables to avoid these troubles
And by mapping avoid them. To exec -- to use,
No more; and by a use to say we discard
The allocation and the thousand complexities
That copying is heir to: 'is a complexity
Devoutly to be avoid'd. To exec, to use;
To use, perchance to copy -- ay, there's the rub.
For in that use and slowness, what complexities may come,
When we duplicated this bulky process,
Must cause the kernel pause -- there's the cost
That make sluggish of such execution.

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Last modified: Tue Nov 26 13:16:14 CST 2019 by bart