Stuff About Me

Here is the latest picture I have of myself.

If you really want to see my old, old high school picture from high school that looks nothing like me, then go ahead. Or if you want some recent pictures from the CSL's snappy cam then here is a no glasses picture of me. I also have pictures of me with a beard: Normal and bug-eyed.

My resume is available to be downloaded in HTML, postscript, text only, and Adobe Acrobat.

Programs that I've made can be downloaded.

Life Story (up to now)

I was born in Racine, Wisconsin to aul Bebeau and Charlene Bebeau on October 3, 1976. I have also had the great pleasure of having a sister named Angie who is two years younger than me. I lived there for a few years (until the end of 1st grade). My dad found a new job at the Kohler Company in Kohler, Wisconsin. He decided that we should live there, so we built a new house there. My dad commuted every day from Racine to Kohler to work while our house in Kohler was being built. After a few months, we moved in with my grandmother who lives in Sheboygan. We lived there and I attended Longfellow elementary school for one year. By then our new house was finished, and we moved to Kohler. I attended Kohler Elementary School, then moved one floor up and attended high school (Kohler is so small that our high school is in the same building as the elementary school). I graduated from KHS in 1995. I attended the University of Wisconsin-Madison and majored in computer science. I am now living in Raleigh, North Carolina working for a high tech communications company.

Who is Angie?

She is my sister. She is currently going to Western Wisconsin Technical College to double major in fashion marketing and retail management. I may be putting a picture of her on this page in the future. She does not have an email address, so the only way to contact her is the old fashioned way (stalking).

What am I doing here?

Well, I am currently in training being that I just started my first full-time job. We train here for a total of six weeks, then we get hired by a specific manager. I will be a developer for the Intelligent Networking Unit most likely when I am done with training. I hope to go to grad school after a year or so to get my masters in CS.

Where do I live?

I am living in Raleigh, NC in a really nice apartment complex. It's only a 15-20 minute commute depending on how many accidents are on the beltline, which isn't bad.

This page last modified 2/22/99.

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