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Email: beechung AT Phone: +408-349-2552 Curriculum Vitae Tutorial on Recommender Systems (KDD'10) Research
My Ph.D. advisor is Raghu Ramakrishnan.
My Master advisor is Jieh Hsiang. I also work with Jude Shavlik, Venky Ganti, Paul Barford, Dave Musicant, Kristen LeFevre, Lei Chen on various topics.
My research interests include: Data Mining and Analysis, Data Privacy, Database,
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, and Content-Based Information Retrieval. In
the following are some of the research projects that I am/was involved in.
Goal-Oriented Privacy Preservation
Project webpage:
Working with Professor Raghu Ramakrishnan, I investigated the tradeoff between data utility
and privacy preservation in data publishing. Specifically, I defined and studied the problem of learning
classification models from (privacy-preserved) SQL aggregate views [8], and proposed a novel framework
that allows publishing organizations to investigate privacy threats and enforce privacy requirements in
the presence of various types and amounts of adversaries' external knowledge [13].
EDAM: Exploratory Data Analysis and Monitoring
Project webpage:
Working with Professor Raghu Ramakrishnan, I defined and investigated several novel data mining problems
[6, 10] that combine predictive modeling and OLAP multidimensional exploration, which result in a promising research
direction, cube-space data mining [11]. I was also involved in the design of an aggregation workflow framework [9],
research on network coordinated attack data analysis [7] and research on atmospheric aerosol monitoring.
Data Cleaning @ Microsoft Research
Project webpage:
I worked with Dr. Surajit Chaudhuri, Dr. Venkatesh Ganti and Dr. Raghav Kaushik on example-driven design of
record matching queries for data cleaning [12].
Fuzzy-Logic-Based Knowledge Retrieval
Working with Professor Jieh Hsiang,
I developed a novel knowledge retrieval framework and its fuzzy logic inference theory [5].
Butterfly Visual Query System (English version)
Working with Professor Jieh Hsiang, I built a content-based image retrieval (CBIR)
system for butterflies. Because of the success of my methodology, in the following years, there
were five M.S. and one Ph.D. studies based on my CBIR architecture in Professor Hsiang's research group.
Butterfly Digital Museum (in Chinese)
During 1998 and 1999, I was involved in the design of this Digital Museum on Taiwanese Butterflies.
It was a project supported by National Science Council, Taiwan.
Image Processing and Retrieval
Image processing in Digital Libraries.
Content-based Retrieval, MPEG-7 and JPEG 2000 A Bibliography of Content-Based Image Retrieval (1995-2000) My Master Thesis: Content-Based Image Retrieval of Butterflies (in Chinese) Others Recent Publication
2007: Outstanding Graduate Student Research Award of the CS department, UW-Madison (CS webpage)2006: Microsoft Research Fellowship (MS webpage, CS webpage) 2000: Thesis Award of Inalways Foundation on "Content-Based Image Retrieval of Butterflies". 1995-1998: Presidential Award of National Taiwan University seven times, the best record of NTU. (The Presidential Award is given each semester to students ranking within the top 5% of their class.) 1997: Scholarship from Pan Wen-Yuan Foundation, Taiwan. 1993: First Prize of Singing Contest in the High School of National Normal University. Program Download
Face Detection program (written in MATLAB)
Computer Security (encryption lib) Butterfly DL Authoring Tool MPEG and JPEG decoder (MFC version) XML Manager (written in Perl) Java internationalization test program Friends and Links
My Beloved Freinds at Orchid Island Classmates: I-Chen Lin (NTU), Terrence Chen (UIUC), Tsei-Chun Su (OLE Technology??), My church & fellowship: 石門浸信會, 永和禮拜堂, NTU Campus Evangelical Fellowship
Contact Info.
beechung AT cs.wisc.eduChange AT to @. |