CS 367 Course Work


Course Grading | Exams | Programs | Homework | Late Policy | Handin | Grade Reports | Studying Tips

Course Grading:

Final letter grades are determined from your final cumulative score that is computed using the following breakdown:

Letter grades are assigned at the end of the semester. We do not curve individual assignments or exams. At the end of the semester after all of the scores are recorded a single curve for students is determined with the median student's course grade in the range of a B.

Scores for labs, programs, and exams are reported through the Learn@UWSystem.


There are two exams that total to 46% of your final grade. Exams are a primary tool we use to evaluate your performance in this course.

The exams are composed of three parts. Questions in part I are 1 point each and are choosing between two options such as true/false. Part II are 3 points each and are multiple choice. Written questions are for Part III and are worth a variable number of points. The midterm will cover primarily new material. The final will be in part cumulative but with the majority of the exam on the topics covered since the midterm. You are responsible for:

Exam Policies:

Programming Assignments:

There will be three (3) programming assignments each worth 10% for a total of 30% of your final grade.

Accounts are provided on the CS lab computers for you to do your programming work. See the CS Computer Labs page for more information.

Links to programming assignment pages:

Policies for Programming Assignments:

Homework Assignment:

There will be eight (8) homework assignment each worth 3% for a total of 24% of your final grade.

Links to homework assignment pages:

Policies for Homework Assignments:

Late Policy:

Assignments may be submitted late, but the following penalty applies:

One day late is defined as a 24-hour period starting at the time the assignment is due (weekday or weekend). For example, if an assignment is due on a Friday at 10:00 PM and it is handed in after 10:00 PM on Friday but by 10:00 PM on Saturday, a 10% penalty will be deducted.

You are also given three (3) free days that are automatically applied to reduce or eliminate a late penalty. Once your three free days are used, no additional free days will be provided. Consider them as insurance to be used in emergencies, such as when you may be unable to complete an assignment on time due to illness.

Late penalties for partnerships are determined separately. For example, if a pair submits a program 2 days late and one of the partners has 2 free days, that partner will not be penalized. If the other partner has only one free day remaining, that partner will be penalized 10%.

How to Submit Assignments Electronically:

Assignments are turned in electronically for your convenience and to save paper. You can submit your work at any time prior to the due date. The last section on each assignment page lists what to turn in. All assignments are to be submitted as plain text files containing source code for programs.

Handin Directories:

A directory has been created for you to use to electronically submit your work. This directory is located at:

Where <YOUR_CS_ACCOUNT_NAME> is the login name that was assigned to you to access your computer science account. This is your main "handin" directory in which is found subdirectories:

  • in for submission of programs,
  • h1 for graded homework 1
  • h2 for graded homework 2
  • h3 for graded homework 3
  • h4 for graded homework 4
  • h5 for graded homework 5
  • h6 for graded homework 6
  • h7 for graded homework 7
  • h8 for graded homework 8
  • p1 for graded program 1,
  • p2 for graded program 2,
  • p3 for graded program 3,

You will always turn your assignments into the in directory.

Steps for Submitting Files:

There are five steps required for submitting your work from the CS lab computers. Assume you are turning in your first program:

  1. Log into one of the CS lab computers
  2. Open a terminal window (click on the background)
  3. Change to the location on your machine containing your assignment, for example:
    cd private/cs367/assignments/p1
    Note: the private directory is already created for you; all other subdirectories (cs367, assignments, and p1 in this example) you'd need to create.
  4. Copy your files to your "handin" directory as in this example:
    cp <FILE_NAME> /p/course/cs367-bgibson/handin/<YOUR_CS_ACCOUNT_NAME>/in
    Note: the handin directory is already created for you.
  5. Verify that your files are in your "handin" directory as in this example:
    ls -l /p/course/cs367-bgibson/handin/<YOUR_CS_ACCOUNT_NAME>/in

Follow the instructions above. Trying to use the file browser to drag and drop your file into your handin directory will result in an error message.

Write permission will be enabled for your in directory after an assignment is released and disabled after the due date and time passes. You may submit your files multiple times. You may re-submit a file, by overwriting the one already in your handin directory. You do not have permission to delete files from your handin directories, and neither do the course TAs. This ensures that accidental deletion of your work cannot be done. If you want a file(s) removed, email the course instructor specifying your login name and the name(s) of the file(s) you want removed.

After the due date and time, your submission is moved to the corresponding assignment subdirectory, for example, p1. Late programs are moved and a note is made indicating the number of days late. You have permission to read from from these handin directories except while we are grading.

You may also submit your work remotely by using a file transfer application, such as the one included with SSH. You'll need to configure this application to connect to one of the CS lab computers. Then you will be able to use it to transfer your files to your handin directory.

Assignment Grading:

Homework assignments are graded by the Bryan and Project assignments are graded by John. Talk to the appropriate person if you have questions about the grading of your assignments.

Re-Grades Requests:

You may request a re-grade of your assignment, if you believe it wasn't correctly graded. Contact the appropriate person within one week after the graded assignment is returned.

Rules of Pair Programming:

Submitting someone else's work as your own is academic misconduct, which will be dealt with in accordance with University Academic Misconduct procedures.

Principles of Pair Programming:

The following is a summary of successful pair programming principles taken from a paper by Williams and Kessler:

Studying Tips: