Brandon Han's Webpage
Apples are great!
My name is Brandon Han. As of Spring 2025, I am a second-year undergraduate student at UW-Madison studying computer
science, computer engineering, and mathematics. My primary interests are in multi-agent reinforcement learning and
partially-observable Markov decision processes.
I would like to note that this webpage is under construction, so majority of the stuff I would like to post here is not
here yet. However, feel free to look around!
GitHub: BrandonHan73
Fall 2023
- MATH 234 Calculus--Functions of Several Variables
- COMP SCI 300 Programming II
- E C E 210 Introductory Experience in Electrical Engineering
- E C E 203 Signals, Information, and Computation
- MUSIC 107 Music & Film
Spring 2024
- E C E 270 Circuits Laboratory I
- STAT 431 Introduction to the Theory of Probability
- E C E 252 Introduction to Computer Engineering
- MATH 240 Introduction to Discrete Mathematics
- COMP SCI 400 Programming III
- E C E 230 Circuit Analysis
Summer 2024
- MUSIC 318 Cultural Cross Currents: West African Dance/Music in the Americas
- E C E 340 Electronic Circuits I
- COMP SCI 540 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Fall 2024
- E C E 353 Introduction to Microprocessor Systems
- E C E 352 Digital System Fundamentals
- E C E 354 Machine Organization and Programming
- MATH 341 Linear Algebra
- E C E 315 Introductory Microprocessor Laboratory
- E C E 222 Electrodynamics I
- COMP SCI 298 Directed Study in Computer Science
Spring 2025
- E C E 551 Digital System Design & Synthesis
- COMP SCI 552 Introduction to Computer Architecture
- COMP SCI 577 Introduction to Algorithms (Honors)
- COMP SCI 639 Deep Learning for Computer Vision
- COMP SCI 839 Theory of Reinforcement Learning
- COMP SCI 699 Directed Study
- COMP SCI 698 Directed Study