McAndrews Hymn

-- Rudyard Kipling

This is a long poem that I really like. I haven't transcribed it for my online reading pleasure yet. However, it has the immortal line which drew me to it in the first place:


Thou have created this world
below the shadow of a dream.
And taught by time, I take it so.
Exceptin' always steam.

From coupler flange to spindle guide
I see thy hand o lord
Predestination in the stride
of yon connectin rod

John Calvin could have wrought the same
Enourmous, Certain Slow
Aya, wrought it in thy furnance flame
Thy institutio

I canna get to sleep tonight
Old bones are hard to place
Instead I'll stand the watch down here
Alone with God an these

And yes, I like steam power! Silent gliding popping clanking muffled roar pounding sharp barks whistling creaking hissssss.

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Last Modified: Tue Mar 18 09:49:41 CST 2003
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