Bolo's Reading List

Here are some books I've read recently. I've added some summaries to some of the entries. I hope to add more while my recollection is still good, or once I can condense the book into all of a short paragraph.

I don't write much of detail sometimes. I do it to protect the innocent reader of my web page, so they don't loose the sense of discovery about reading the text themselves.

A leading rr means the book is a Re-Read.

Sitting in the Queue

These books -- and many more, some of them sitting in the queue for years, are waiting to be read. The books here are just the newest additions.

Summer 2009

Spring 2009

December 2008

Fall 2008

Spring 2008

January 2008

December 2007

November 2007

October 2007

September 2007

August 2007

July 2007

June 2007

May 2007

April 2007

March 2007

February 2007

Fall 2006

After Returning from Prague I decided that I needed to learn more about the Czech Republic. The Rough Guide books seemed a good starting point to enjoy yan overview of buth the history, and the culture of the country before trying to learn more.

Beyond That

Recent readings that aren't ancient....

In 2006 I decided to try some new science fiction authors. I am rather set in my ways some time, and was just continuing to get new books from existing authors. These folks came up in some talks about SF Technology which I attended during Confusion in one of those years. So far, I have read books by 3 out of 4 new authors I wanted to try. China Mieville is the next author on that list I will try.

Hmmm, Alistair Reynolds. Man of man is this guy twisted. In a good way, that of a twisty skein of yarn, not in the more recent meaning of twisted. How to start ... perhaps classic Space Opera would be one starting point. Epic Setting would be another. So Many points of view as to make your head spin, as well as confundingly seamless transitions between them which does make the remainder spin. Cool Technology pervassive on wide scale. A long and detailed history. Powerful Characterizations of not just a few but many characters. What can I say, but go out and get a copy of Revelation Space and start reading!

Ken MacCleod as the next author I tried, most likely because Cosmonaut Keep was a slimmer volume than Revelation Space. Ken's writing is sorta twisty, and jumps back and forth between times and points of view. The universe he presents is different, but yet sorta based on current trends. The big thing I observe from his books is a combination of different social-economic systems and the politics and interaction between them.

John Scalzi's writings are probably the closest to my traditional science fiction readings., and what I am used to. In retrospect it is no big surprise that I started with his books. The other reason, of course, is that I met him at Confusion one year, and thogght he was a good fellow and interesting panelist.

Summer 2006

A lot of books about motorcycling here. A lot of this reading was done to/in/from the Czech Republic. The books burdnened my backpack quite a bit but it was a burden worth carrying.

Spring 2006

The Japanese Samurai and their Philosophy, Culture, and Weapons have been a bit of an enigma. Not only an enigma, but a source of inspiration as well as something well worth studying. The Samurai, their sense of honor, as well as the sense of completeness to them, seem quite different from some of the shallowness that people today seem to have.

Not all the writings are Japanese though ... the Chinese also have some good writings of similar flavor ... as do the Italians. These are all mixed up in the same yet different philosophy that seem, to me, to be discussing differrent aspects of the same issue. One aspect that differs from modern culture is the way that the different religions (for lack of a better term) affected people in that period than they do today.

These are few books that I read during this time period to study the philosophy, history, and culture.

Not only did I read books, but also I collected and watched a good corpus of Japanese samurai films of that time period. Truely classic film-making there -- the films are only subtitled, but the cinema is so striking and timeless that the culture difference doesn't matter.
XXX dig up these films

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Last Modified: Sun Jan 11 23:16:00 CST 2009
Bolo (Josef Burger) <>