Gnorman Stonebetter Arcane Gnome Transmuter 3/Master Transmuter 3/Paragnostic Apostle 1/Fatespinner 2/Wayfare Guide 1 Str 4 Con 18(20) Dex 10 Int 22(24) Wis 4 Cha 8 hp: 96 (level dice: 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 3) ac: 20 (+1 size, +1 deflection, +8 mage armor) bab: +3, +1 size Saves: attr wiz spec gnost fate way resist morale total Fort 4 1 1 1(3) (4) 7(13) Will -3 3 3 2 3 2 1(3) (4) 11(19) Refl 6 1 1 1(3) (4) 9(16) Feats/etc: Slow (Trait) Craft Spell Completion Item(Wizard) Spell Focus (Transmutation) Pathetic Strength (Flaw) Pathetic Wisdom (Flaw) Focused Specialist (character option) Alacritous Cogitation Extend Spell Insightful Reflexes Firey Burst Skill Focus (Spellcraft) Expanded Spellbook Collector of Stories(skill trick) Craft Constant Item Knowledge is Power - Mind over Matter Lore +9 Greater Spell Focus (Transmutation) Craft Constant Thingey Spin Fate (2) Fickle Finger of Fate Chain Spell Enhanced Capacity (Teleport) Improved Range (Teleport) Skills: Ranks/total mod 13/18 Concentration 13/25 Spellcraft 5/12 Knowledge (dungeonreering) 13/20 Knowledge (arcana) 5/12 Knowledge (planes) 11/18 Knowledge (history) 5/12 Knowledge (religion) 10/17 Knowledge (archetecture & engineering) 10/17 Knowledge (geography) 1/8 Decipher Script 1/8 Craft (knickknack) 13/12 UMD 8/4 Ride 11/18 Profession(gambler) Languages: gnome sylvan draconic goblin infernal giant Craft Points: 500+3500+2800+1700+1000 stuff: 6319 gp riding dog w/military saddle war gecko Everburning Torch Gnormin's Gloritudinal Garmentheading (+2 int, handy haversack) Cloak of Resistance +1 Healing Belt Amber Amulet of the Scorpion Amber Amulet of the Centipede Rod of Extend, Lesser +1 Ring of Protection broken telescope broken lich phylactery gambling chips Amulet of Constitution +2 Rod of Empower, Lesser Potions: Potion of Cure Moderate *3 Potion of Cure Light *3 holy water *4 alchemist's fire *2 acid *2 Wands: Wand of magic missile(1st) - 17 Wand of Magic Missile(3rd) - 44 Wand of shocking grasp - 28 Wand of Lesser Vigor - 6 Wand of Summon Dead Celestial Monkey - 8 Wand of Magic Missile (9th) - 10 Wand of Arcane Turmoil (10th) - 8 Wand of Knock - 17 Wand of Acid Arrow - 43 Wand of Scorching Ray - 22 Wand of Dimensional Anchor - 9 Wand of True Strike - 9 Scrolls: "Scrolls" of Explosive Ruins *10 Lightning Bolt Keen Edge Components: 50 gp diamond chip (Earth Lock) 25 gp gold dust *4 (?) Spellbooks: (Banned Schools: Necromancy, Illusion, Enchantment) (Mods from normal: -1 general, +3 transmutation per level) 0: 4 (3 normal 2 int 3 trans) resistance acid splash detect poison detect magic read magic dancing lights flare light ray of frost mage hand mending message open/close arcane mark prestidigitation sonic snap stick 1: 2 (2 normal 2 int 3 trans) enlarge person (T) reduce person (T) grease mage hand, greater horrible taste (T) benign transposition detect secret doors ray of clumsiness nerveskitter (T) protection from evil shield mage armor unseen servant identify 2: 1 (2 normal 2 int 3 trans) glitterdust rope trick (T) bull's strength (T) flaming sphere earth lock earthbind (T) knock (T) darkvision (T) heart of air (T) arcane turmoil create magic tattoo alarm, greater alter self (T) arcane lock wraithstrike (T) Bear's Endurance (T) Master's Touch Crystaline Memories 3: (2 normal 2 int 3 trans 1 rarys) Stinking Cloud Unluck Dispel Magic Slow (T) Haste (T) Fireball Explosive Runes Heart of Water(T) Phantom Steed Bands of Steel Mage Armor, Greater Shrink Item (T) Spiderskin (T) 4: (1 normal 1 int 3 trans) Heart of Earth (T) Solid Fog Detect Scrying Voice of the Dragon (T) Darkvision, Mass (T) Corporeal Instability (T) Explosive Cascade Dimension Door Mnemonic Enhancer (T) Resilient Sphere Caustic Mire Ray Deflection Resistance, Greater Assay Resistance Sword of Deception Bloodstar Crushing Grip Baleful Blink 5: (0 normal 1 int 3 trans) Contingent Energy Resistance Toxic Weapon Heart of Fire (T) Teleport Wall of Stone Wall of Force Baleful Polymorph (T) Fabricate (T) Overland Flight (T) Recyprocal Gyre Dragonsight (T) Indominibility Major Creation Magic Weapon, Greater Telekinesis Rary's Telepathic Bond Break Enchantment Greater Enlarge Person (Spells to buy) Defenestrating Sphere (AWESOME!) Scry Girallon's Blessing Servant Hoard Second Book: 1st: Burning Hands Comprehend Languages Floating Disc Mirror Image Identify Mage Armor Ray of Enfeeblement Obscuring Mist 2nd: Locate Object Mirror Image Minor Image See Invis Shatter Spider Climb Third Book: 1st: grease mage armor magic misile enlarge person shocking grasp 2nd: cat's grace chill touch fox's cunning scorching ray spider climb web 3rd: shrink item haste blink lightning bolt 4th Book: Fly Lots of icky necromancy Favorite Saying: I like my pickles salty and my women tall.