Hi! My name is Chen Zhou. The picture above is drawn by me. I am a second year graduate student at Computer Science Department, University of Wisconsin, Madison, and currently the TA for cs367.
I will graduate in December 2000 and I am now seeking a full time position. If interested, you can get my text or word format resume. Current Courses (Fall 2000):
CS731-- Advanced methods in artificial intelligence by Professor David Page Jr. Previous Courses :
CS640-- Introduction to Computer Network by Professor Lawrence H. Landweber CS564-- Database Management System by Professor David Dewitt CS736-- Advanced Operating Systems by Professor Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau CS752-- Advanced Computer Architecture I by Professor Mikko H. Lipasti CS577-- Introduction to Algorithms by Professor Deborah Joseph Interesting Links :
Changsha, a lovely city in the south of China, is my hometown. My favorite links. You can contact me at chenzhou@cs.wisc.edu .