
Piazza: Programming Projects Q & A (Links updated for Fall 2015)

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General Information:

Though we try to ensure programming assignment specifications are clear, invariably we'll miss something or there will be an interpretation of what we've posted that requires clarification. This is an unavoidable problem when communicating in an imprecise and ambiguous natural language such as English. To help manage the questions on programming assignments, we'll be using Piazza, which is a FREE tool provided to students. Piazza will help ensure consistent and correct answers as well as minimize duplication of effort from repeating answers to the same questions.

CS 302 students can post questions either publicly or anonymously. Students can also answer questions. Instructors may post notes to clarify specifications as well as answer questions and endorse student's answers.

I have created folders for each programming assignment, p1, p2, p3, p4, etc. This is where I expect students to post questions for each programming assignment.


The only exception is that students may post code fragrments in Private posts on Piazza.  Otherwise, students should hand in their code and post their question. TAs will be able to review your handed in code and they can post appropriate code examples as needed tohelp you or other students.

CS 302 students will need to register for Piazza or, if you've already registered, add CS 302 to your Piazza class list.

Piazza Rules and Etiquette:

  1. Students MAY post code fragments to Piazza if they mark the post private.
  2. Look for the answer to your question on the course and or programming assignment page first.
  3. Look for the answer to your question (or a similar question) on Piazza.
  4. Only, create a new question on Piazza if you did not find your question or answer above.
  5. Title your question in a way that makes it easy for other users to find and recognize.
  6. REMINDER: Do not post your code or test results for programming assignments on Piazza or other online forums.
    It is okay to post code that we've provided to all students.

Getting Started

Piazza is an online tool for asking and answering questions. Piazza is available to you anywhere you have access to the internet. It is delivered and supported by a company called Piazza. Their home page is: http://www.piazza.com


  1. Go to: https://piazza.com/wisc/fall2015/compsci302/
  2. Click "Register for Piazza"
  3. Continue filling out the forms being careful to enter your Wiscmail email address, first name and last name.

Logging In to Piazza

Once you're logged in, you can stay logged in on that computer. You will need to relogin if you check Piazza from another computer.

  1. Go to: https://piazza.com/wisc/fall2015/compsci302/
  2. Click Click "Login to Piazza"
    Note: Your username is the email address you gave during registration and your password is what you entered during registration.