The Wisconsin Idea Project

What the Wisconsin Idea means to me is using my knowledge and education to promote learning to my peers and motivate anyone into getting educated. Not just to get a better job but to even improve as a person and member of society. For this reason, my website is dedicated in promoting people to learn about computer science and helping them get started by showing many different tools they can use and a path to start learning how to program.

Introduction to Programming in JAVA

This webpage is dedicated to helping anyone interested in learning to program get started. This will be done by utilizing basic, free tools that can be accessed by anyone with a computer. This topic was chosen in order to promote learning about programming to anyone one interested, but not able to take a computer science class at a University or High School.

Reasons To Learn Programming

There are many different reasons to learn how to program, whether it is just a hobby or career. As humanity continues to move more and more towards electronic dependency computer science jobs continue to grow. What is that? You do not want a career in computer science? Well neither do I, but that does not mean it is not very useful. As an engineer I personally need to do a lot of tedious problems with sometime difficult calculations. However, using computer science knowledge, one can simply right a short program to compute calculations for you. You could write a program that calculates volumes of shapes given dimensions, does trigonometry, calculus, the applications are limitless and require very little programming experience! While, I do not recommend cheating on work you must show, it is a great way to make sure you are getting the correct answers. Even if none of those reasons apply to you, it can still be fun to sit back and make programs that do simple tasks you enjoy.


We will be going through multiple processes and tools that can be utilized to getting started with programming in any language. First we will have an introduction to FREE online learning websites taught by professors from the some of the top schools in the country that have many Computer Science courses. Then we will be going through obtaining and using the Eclipse programming environment (IDE - Integrated Development Environment) with multiple choices for languages. I will personally be using JAVA in my tutorial. This webpage is targeted for anyone interested in beginning to learn about Computer Science for any reason. This could be as a career, for a hobby, or to use as a tool for calculations.

List of Courses and Learning Material

This is a list of good choices for free online courses. I will recommend a few introductory course options. Think about what language you want to learn and what topics you want to cover when deciding your first course!

Choosing Your Software for Writing Programs (IDE)

If you decide to take the Introduction to Computer Science course from Udacity than you should Download Python. This version of python uses a different Integrated Development than I do in my tutorial so keep that in mind. The Eclipse IDE can be downloaded here. Your choices for languages are C/C++ and JAVA. Again, keep in mind that my tutorial is eclipse for JAVA. You will also need a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) for running your programs if using eclipse. It can be found here.

Link to Eclipse Video Tutorial

Here is a link to the video tutorial of getting started with Eclipse for Java (Click on the Image):
The video starts from the first time opening the software, so download Eclipse first!

What's next?

If I had more than just myself and more time to dedicate to this webpage I would add a tutorial on an introduction to variables and looping with my own ideas for programs that a viewer could write using those skills that would have useful, real life applications. For example, a program that can compute a difficult equation or mathmatical process for a user.


Author: Theodore J. Dunne, University of Wisconsin-Madison