MATLAB Functions

Calling a function

fctnName( parameterList )


result = cos( pi/3 )

values = [ 1  10  100  1000 ];

log10( values )

disp( log10(values) )

disp( [ 'log base 10 of ', num2str( values(3) ), ...
        ' is ', num2str( log10( values(3) ) ) ] )

disp( ____ )




num2str( ____ )


Defining a function


function returnValue = functionName ( parameterList )
% Comments describing what the function does, the
% inputs to the function, and the return value.
code that does the work of the function
returnValue = some calculated value


Define an inch2meter function that converts inches to meters.

function meters = inch2meter( inches )
% Converts the given inches to the equivalent in meters.
meters = 0.0254 * inches;

Define a bmi function to calculate BMI given a person's height (in feet and inches) and weight (in pounds).

function result = bmi( ft, in, lbs )
% Calculate the BMI for person with given height
% (in ft and in) and weight (in lbs).
% BMI = kg / m^2

In the Command Window:


Write a sin_approx function that approximates the sine function using the first four terms of the Taylor Series expansion of sine.



In sin_approx.m file:



Note: MATLAB has a built-in factorial function

Write a script that plots both sin and sin_approx over the range 0 to π.