General procedure:
Example: Solve the ODE dy(t)/dt = α (1 + cos(t)) y(t) - γ y(t)2 with the initial condition y(0) = y0 over the time span 0 to 4π for α = 20, γ = 3, and y0 = 20
Define a function representing the right-hand side of the ODE:
function yprime = rhsODE(t, y) alpha = 20; gamma = 3; yprime = alpha*(1 + cos(t))*y - gamma*y^2;
Solve the ODE and plot the results:
tspan = [0 4*pi]; y0 = 20; [t_soln, y_soln] = ode45(@rhsODE, tspan, y0); plot(t_soln, y_soln)
Solve the system of ODEs:
with the intial conditions x1(0) = 4 and x2(0) = 1 over the time span 0 to 8
Define a function representing the right-hand side of the ODE:
function zprime = systemODE(t, z) x1 = z(1); x2 = z(2); x1prime = x1 - 2*x2; x2prime =3*x1 - 2*x2; zprime = [x1prime; x2prime];
Solve the ODE and plot the results:
tspan = [0 8]; z0 = [4, 1]; [t_soln, z_soln] = ode45(@systemODE, tspan, z0); x1_soln = z_soln(:, 1); x2_soln = z_soln(:, 2); plot(t_soln, x1_soln, 'k:', t_soln, x2_soln, 'b')
Convert the higher-order ODE to standard form, i.e., a system of first-order ODEs.
Example: The motion of a damped spring-mass system can be described using a second-order ODE:
m x '' (t) + c x ' (t) + k x(t) = 0
Convert to standard form:
function wprime = rhsODE(t, w) c = ... m = ... k = ...
Example: The KdV equation is a third-order ODE:
f ''' (x) - c f ' (x) + 6 f(x) f ' (x) = 0
Convert to standard form: