CS536-S25 Intro to PLs and Compilers

Lecture :  

Birge 145, 4:00 - 5:15 pm Mon, Wed

Instructor :  

Beck Hasti, hasti@cs.wisc.edu

Teaching assistants :  

Aaryan Patel, apatel234@wisc.edu
Daniel Smedema, djsmedema@wisc.edu
Jack Stanek, jrstanek@cs.wisc.edu
Nick Boddy, nboddy@wisc.edu

Course description

Introduction to the theory and practice of compiler design. Comparison of features of several programming languages and their implications for implementation techniques. Several programming projects required.
Prereq: (CS367 or CS400) and CS/ECE354.

Textbook and Notes: The course has no required textbook. There are links to an extensive set of on-line notes (pdf version) as well as to copies of the lecture overheads used in class, in the schedule below.


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