Answers to Self-Study Questions

Test Yourself #1

Part a (translation rules)

exp    -> exp + term       exp1.trans = exp2.trans + term.trans
       -> exp - term       exp1.trans = exp2.trans - term.trans
       -> term             exp.trans = term.trans
term   -> term * factor    term1.trans = term2.trans * factor.trans
       -> term / factor    term1.trans = term2.trans / factor.trans
       -> factor           term.trans = factor.trans
factor -> INTLITERAL       factor.trans = INTLITERAL.value
       -> ( exp )          factor.trans = exp.trans

Part b (translation actions with numbers)

exp    -> exp + term       termTrans = pop();        #1
                           expTrans = pop();         

       -> exp - term       termTrans = pop();        #2
                           expTrans = pop();

       -> term             // do nothing

term   -> term * factor    facterTrans = pop();      #3
                           termTrans = pop();

       -> term / factor    factorTrans = pop();      #4
                           termTrans = pop();

       -> factor           // do nothing

factor -> INTLITERAL       push(INTLITERAL.value)    #5

       -> ( exp )          // do nothing
Part c (CFG with action numbers)
exp    -> exp + term  #1
       -> exp - term  #2
       -> term

term   -> term * factor #3
       -> term / factor #4
       -> factor

factor -> #5 INTLITERAL
       -> ( exp )      

Test Yourself #2

Non-LL(1) CFG with action numbers

exp    -> exp + term  #1
       -> exp - term  #2
       -> term

term   -> term * factor #3
       -> term / factor #4
       -> factor

factor -> #5 INTLITERAL
       -> ( exp )      
Transformed to be LL(1)
exp    -> term exp'

exp'   -> epsilon
       -> + term #1 exp'
       -> - term #2 exp'

term   -> factor term'

term'  -> epsion
       -> * factor #3
       -> / factor #4

factor -> #5 INTLITERAL
       -> ( exp )      
Actions of the predictive parser on input 2+3*4
input so far   stack                           semantic stack  action
------------   -----                           --------------  ------
   2           exp EOF                                          pop, push "term exp'"
   2           term exp' EOF                                    pop, push "factor term'"
   2           factor term' exp' EOF                            pop, push "#5 INTLITERAL"
   2           #5 INTLITERAL term' exp' EOF                     pop, do action
   2           INTLITERAL term' exp' EOF         2              pop, scan
   2+          term' exp' EOF                    2              pop, push nothing
   2+          exp' EOF                          2              pop, push "+ term #1 exp'"
   2+          + term #1 exp' EOF                2              pop, scan
   2+3         term #1 exp' EOF                  2              pop, push "factor term'"
   2+3         factor term' #1 exp' EOF          2              pop, push "#5 INTLITERAL"
   2+3         #5 INTLITERAL term' #1 exp' EOF   2              pop, do action
   2+3         INTLITERAL term' #1 exp' EOF      3 2            pop, scan
   2+3*        term' #1 exp' EOF                 3 2            pop, push "* factor #3"
   2+3*        * factor #3 #1 exp' EOF           3 2            pop, scan
   2+3*4       factor #3 #1 exp' EOF             3 2            pop, push "#5 INTLITERAL"
   2+3*4       #5 INTLITERAL #3 #1 exp' EOF      3 2            pop, do action
   2+3*4       INTLITERAL #3 #1 exp' EOF         4 3 2          pop, scan
   2+3*4 EOF   #3 #1 exp' EOF                    4 3 2          pop, do action
   2+3*4 EOF   #1 exp' EOF                       12 2           pop, do action
   2+3*4 EOF   exp' EOF                          14             pop, push nothing
   2+3*4 EOF   EOF                               14             pop, push nothing
   2+3*4 EOF                                     14             empty stack, input accepted
                                                                final translation = 14