
libGenome is a freely available toolkit for developing bioinformatic related software in C++.
It is intended to take the hassle out of performing common tasks on genetic sequence and annotation data.

Version 0.5.2 was released on May 09, 2003. See the download page.

Among other things, libGenome can help you:

Read and write Multi-FastA format files
Read and write GenBank flat file database entries
Append, chop, truncate, reverse, complement, translate, and otherwise mangle sequence data
Access annotation in GenBank flat files

libGenome is developed and maintained by Aaron Darling.
Its design is based on concepts developed by Aaron Darling, Jason Christensen,
Nicole T. Perna, and Bob Mau while working in Fred R. Blattner's laboratory
at the University of Wisconsin Madison.
Special thanks go to Bob Mau for bug testing and reporting.

©2001-2003 Aaron Darling - - Last Modified 05/09/03
darling (at) cs (dot) wisc (dot) edu