Computer Sciences Dept.

CS/ECE 552 Introduction to Computer Architecture

Spring 2012 Section 1
Instructor David A. Wood and T. A. Ramkumar Ravikumar
URL: http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~david/courses/cs552/S12/

Stalling Memory

After you have successfully made a pipelined version of your processor, the next step will be to make your design capable of handling arbitrary stalls in the memory accesses. To do this, replace your single-cycle memory modules with these "stalling memory" modules. verilog sourcesynthesizable version.

This module has an interface identical to the cache interface in mem_system_hier.v. With the same semantics.

Copy the synthesizable version in the same directory as the stallmem.v file.

Examining the source file stallmem.v, you will see "rand_pat", a linear feedback shift register which controls the "ready" output. This is a 32-bit number. You can change its initial value by specifying the seed used for random number of generation. You can do this by passing in "-seed" to wsrun.pl. For example:

wsrun.pl -seed 45 -prog foo.asm proc_hier_pbench *.v

If you are executing from inside ModelSim with run -All or using a testbench of your own for preliminary testing, you can pass in the seed, by adding the string "+seed=<value>" to the vsim command. Or simply edit stallmem.v and set the seed to a different value.

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