Now you are ready to simulate your design. It is quite easy to invoke various applications from Design Manager. Start Design Manager by typing dmgr at the command line prompt.

Invoke Quicksim II from the Tools window at the left. Then, use the Navigator to select the viewpoint that you created earlier using DVE. Note that it is very important to invoke the simulation on the design viewpoint because we intentionally left the technology parameter unassigned in our schematic.

A new window containing the session transcript will appear. This window maintains a record of actions taken during the QuickSim II simulation session. Keep it around in case you want to refer back to previous actions taken during the session. This window will not necessarily close automatically when you exit QuickSim II, so make sure to close it yourself if necessary when you are done.

Once QuickSim II has started, you will open your schematic sheet to help keep track of signal names and origins. You will use the interactive interface to force the inputs and run the simulation to observe the outputs. You will learn how to do a functional test assuming unit-delays for each gate as well as a simulation based on scn08hp cell library delays. The following steps will guide you through an analysis of your circuit.

  1. First, open your design sheet. Use the OPEN SHEET icon on the palette to do this. You may want to re-size the schematic window to make things more easily visible.

  2. Next, you need to specify the input signals. Mentor calls this a force. You need to specify which signal is to be ``forced.'' You do this by selecting the signal in the schematic, the same way you would in Design Architect. Select the A port in the schematic.

  3. Now, select the STIMULUS button at the top of the palette. The stimulus palette is now displayed.

  4. Next, select the ADD FORCE icon to add the forces to the selected signal. A dialog box will appear. Note how the selected signal is the name in the dialog box.

  5. The box lets you enter time-value pairs. As you enter one pair, the dialog box expands to let you enter more pairs. DO NOT use the Enter key between fields; use the Tab key. Enter accepts the values in the dialog box and closes it. Let's enter the following value pairs: (0,0), (1,10), (0,20), (1,30), (0,40). Your screen should now look something like this.

  6. Click on OK or type Enter to dismiss the dialog box. If the button is out of the box, you can "slide" the mouse cursor down to the bottom edge to cause it to scroll up into view.

  7. Now unselect the input signal A and select signal B. Use the same procedure to enter the following values: (1,0), (0,10), (1,20), (0,30), (1,40).

  8. Do the same thing for signal SEL using these values: (0,0), (1,25), (0,40). It is important to note that if you want to change any of these stimuli after you have run the simulation, you must reset simulation state. One way to do this is by clicking on the RESET ... icon in the palette (see step 1. below). Force events which occur prior to the current simulation time will not be added. So if you run the simulation 200nS then try to add forces at 150nS, they will be ignored. When you reset simulation state, your current simulation time goes back to 0nS.

  9. Now that you have set up the input stimuli, you are ready to set up your simulation output. The output is placed into a trace or list window. The trace window looks like a logic analyzer, and the list window reads more like a logic table. We'll use both to verify the correctness of our design. In general, however, you may pick whichever method you prefer for a given design. First, select all of the inputs and outputs by clicking on their corresponding wires in the schematic window.

  10. Next, put them in a trace window by pressing the TRACE button on the palette.

  11. Open a list window by pressing the LIST button.

  12. If you want to add signals to either window, select them in your schematic and then press the appropriate palette button. To remove signals, select the signal and press the delete key on the keyboard.

  13. If you cannot see all of the signals in either the trace or list windows, resize them so you can see them all.

  14. Unselect all signals with the F2 Function key.

  15. Now let's run the simulation for 50 ns. To do this, simply type ``run 50''(the default time scale is set to nanoseconds). A prompt bar appears whenever you start typing in the QuickSim window. Hit the enter key to execute the command in the prompt bar, otherwise, if you do not want to execute a command this way, just hit the esc key.

The trace and list windows will show the results of the simulation run. In the trace window, you can use the shift-F8 key to view the entire simulation. In either window, you can scroll up/down and left/right to view the time of interest. The trace window also allows viewing a certain area by using the view area command from the pop-up window in the trace window.

Now you can look at the trace and list windows and verify the correct behavior of the 2-1 multiplexor. Remember, when the select line (SEL) is low, the B input is gated to the output, and when the select line is high, A goes to the output. Also note the small spike at the output at about time 40 ns. Why does this happen?

To understand what's going on, you need to understand a little about how the simulator works. What you just did above was to run the simulator in unit delay mode. What this means is that all delay times for each gate are identical. In this case the common unit delay is 0.1 ns. For the signal SEL to get to the output, it must go through an inverter, an AND gate and then an OR gate. Hence, it is delayed by 0.3 ns in the unit delay mode. Knowing this, we can explain the reason for the spike.

At time 40 ns, we forced SEL low. This should select the B input. B was forced high at 40 ns, also. At 40.1 ns, B, the output of the inverter, is forced high due to the unit delay through the inverter. Now the inputs to the lower AND gate are both high so the output would be high also. This happens at 40.2 ns. This causes a high to appear at the OR gate so the output of the OR gate goes high at 40.3 ns. At 40.2 ns, however, both inputs to the OR gate were low, so the output went low for 0.1 ns. Can you show that this is so?

Unit delay mode is often useful for testing basic functionality. It does not do a good job of reflecting potential timing problems in real hardware however, for obvious reasons. We shall now re-simulate the mux using the nominal delays found in scn08hp cells.

  1. The first thing we need to do is reset the simulation. From the top menu bar, enter Run->Reset, or click on RESET ... icon in the palette. A dialog box will appear. Select the State button to reset the state of the simulation. Deselect the Save `results' waveform DB box. Press the OK button.

  2. Now we need to change the timing mode. To do this select Setup->Kernel->Analysis from the top menu bar.

  3. In the dialog box that appears, select Delay and then press the OK button.

  4. You must also tell the simulator to calculate the timing for each gate. First, from the top menu select Edit->Select->All->Instance to select all of the gates.

  5. Next, from the menu bar, select Setup->Kernel->Change->Timing Mode. This is also available via the TIMING MODE icon in the SETUP palette.

  6. In the dialog box that appears, press the Change button and then click on ``typ'' on the full delays line.

  7. Press OK to close the dialog box.

  8. Now that you are in delay mode, the specified delays will be used. Type `` run 50'' to run the simulation, again.

Notice how, this time, there are much greater delays between input and output events. The list window is very useful in determining the delays. If you scroll to the top of the list window, you will notice some ``Xr'' signals. This means that the signal is undefined at this initial simulation time. Due to the delays in the circuit, the output is not defined for 2.6 ns. This is the point where all signals have propagated through to the output. If any input to a gate is undefined, then it's output is also.

Another nice feature in the list window is that whenever a signal changes value, it is highlighted. This makes it easy to see when signals change.

Let's find the delays between some signals in the circuit and analyze the circuit with these delays:

  1. Select the trace window.

  2. Press the WF EDITOR button on the palette.

  3. Now press the DELTAS icon. This brings up a prompt bar and allows us to find the time difference between any two edges very easily.

  4. Click the mouse near the first falling edge of B and then of the first falling edge of OUT. This will show us the delay from the input B to the output. The result is shown in the message line at the bottom of the window. Notice how it is 2.2 ns? The signal must propagate through two gates, and both times the signal is falling, so the sum of the fall times is 2.2 ns.

  5. Press the escape key or click on Cancel on the prompt bar to cancel the edge delta calculator.

This concludes your introduction to digital simulation using the scn08hp library. To exit QuickSim II , simply close the window. You will be prompted if you want to save anything. Respond by selecting Without Saving and press OK.

You can now exit Design Manager by closing its window and answering yes to its dialog box. Be sure to close any remaining dialog session windows.