Compiling and Simulating .vhdl files

Brad Beckmann,
University of Wisconsin, Madison


This tutorial is designed to take you through the process of creating, compiling, and simulating your .vhdl source files.  You will create a .vhdl text file with a simple design, compile and debug your design, and then simulate your design using modelsim.

Editing and Compiling .vhdl files

This first step of the process is much like designing and compiling any other program with just a couple additions.

Simulating .vhdl files using ModelSim             force clk 1 20, 0 40 -repeat 40
            force x_in 0000 10, 0001 50, 1000 130 -repeat 200
            force y_in 0000 10, 0010 90, 1000 170 -repeat 200
            force carry_in 0 0

Now that we are assured our design works, we are ready to synthesize it using the leonardo tool.