Things for the future ..

This (or the page that evolved into this) used to be a real list. You can still see the list if you finger me, actually. But it's all lies. I don't really plan. Stuff just happens. Still, for your (and my) amusement, here's a theoretical idea of what's going to happen to me:

I'm keeping the intro but revising the body itself as my future makes course corrections. I'm going to grad school in comp sci at University of Wisconsin-Madison. I don't know what's expected to happen after that, but that's at least my future for five, six more years, assuming I get into the PhD section. What am I expecting then? Maybe this. Maybe not. I suppose I'll get a job. I'm not planning on going right into academia, though I have the vague idea that I'd enjoy being a certain sort of professor. Unfortunately, this type that I am conceiving of must be at least fifty years old, and is generally found in the humanities. The first seems to be inviolate. The second perhaps I can fiddle with. I dunno. It's a long way off.

In the meantime, I expect I get a computer job, travel, see Europe, Israel again, etc. Fun stuff, because I have so much goddamn potential I could choke a hog with it. If you excuse my metaphor. Marriage isn't really in my future, I think. Kids would be nice, but for me at least, that requires the previous bit. I expect I'll die unhappy and alone. Oh well. Perhaps I'll become an angel instead, or fly to the moon at forty. I can do whatever I want, so nyah.

Yeah. That's the future for you. Very pretty indeed.