Seducing the Body Eclectic

Send impulse. Tighten fiber. Pivot bone. Lift leg. And walk (two, three, four). At times I get the idea that the I can be removed from the me. That there is an I inside my body which is distinct from the body itself. I can feel the skin on the outsides of my hands, look out from behind my eyes, hide in the pit of my own stomach. I may even be correct. The problem, of course, is that it's impossible to observe except through the filter of the body, which is the thing I wish to observe. Can a magnifying glass magnify itself? I slip away under my eyelids.

So I see a .. I can't do hypothetical situations right now. I'm walking down the street and it's like being one of those caliphs that rode elephants into battle. My mind inside my body, riding high on a five-eleven tower of power. Whirr, click, purr. And then I, the I that is I, decide to take a step. Send impulse. Tighten fiber. Pivot bone. Lift leg. And walk (two, three, four).